שאלה: אם עניתי 'ברכו' במעריב לפני שהספקתי לומר והוא רחום וכו', האם עלי לדלג על פסוקים אלו ולאמרם אחרי שמו"ע או שמותר לאמרם במקומם? וכן האם למנהגנו אין לדבר…
הפסק אחרי ברכו בתפילת ערבית
שאלה: אם עניתי 'ברכו' במעריב לפני שהספקתי לומר והוא רחום וכו', האם עלי לדלג על פסוקים אלו ולאמרם אחרי שמו"ע או שמותר לאמרם במקומם? וכן האם למנהגנו אין לדבר…
There is no clear source one way or another. Practically, they should put it on their left shoulder. The corners should afterwards be thrown to the left like everyone…
He may recite Birkas Kohanim and receive Aliya of Kohen, although you might consider not giving an aliya as a matter of policy in the shule. See also:…
Question: 1. The Alter Rebbe says (14;9) one can borrow a tallis without permission. The Aruch Hashulchan (14;12) says it is not allowed today when people put their tallis…
I’m in shul and I’m about to begin davening when I realize I’m holding someone else’s tallis! May I make a brachah on a “stolen” tallis? From a strictly…
Question: I have noticed that many shuls that have five people with the minyan will daven amida and then have the six person does the whole chazaras hashatz, is…
One should not interrupt between the conclusion of Shmoneh Esrei and Tachnun. On the other hand, there is an Inyan to say Tachnun with a Minyan. Practically, if when…
Question: I travel almost every week on flights. Once in a while, there are is a long delay and I'm forced to wait in the airport. I'm sometimes in…
Question: Is it our Minhag to say the Passuk v’ani beroiv chasdecha before walking into shul? If so, do we only say it before davening shacharis, or also before…
The Rebbe used the left foot first. However, when going forward, one should place the right foot first. Sources: כשפוסע לאחוריו - לכאורה צ״ל ברגלו הימנית תחילה כבכל…
Question: Is it ok for a yeshiva to split up the aliyos between different balei kriya in order to allow different bochrim to have a chance (and who may…
It is permitted to learn before Shacharis (provided one already said Birchas Hatorah if it’s already after Alos - see here), under either of the following conditions: One regularly…
Question: Is the definition of listening to kriah following along in the words or actually paying attention to their meaning? Answer: Strictly speaking one need only follow along…
בהכנסת הס”ת לארון קודש לאחר קריאת התורה, האם עדיף לעבור בין כל המתפללים שיוכלו לנשק הס”ת או שעדיף ללכת (מימין) בדרך הקצרה?
כשמוליכים הספר תורה מארון הקודש לבימה הולכים בצד ימין אף שהיא דרך ארוכה, וכשחוזרים חוזרים בשמאל, בצד השני. וי״א לילך בדרך הקצרה יותר, וכשחוזרים - בדרך השניה, שבמילא ארוכה…
Question: When tucking the retzuos of teffilin into the gartel (to keep them off the floor), does it matter if they are tucked straight or looped. In the looped…
Question: I cant talk for a couple days in order to heal a throat muscle strain. Saying even a few words, whispering or mouthing is harmful to the strain.…
Question: Sometimes the Chazan finishes early and takes 3 steps forward to learn/recite tehilim by the amud for comfort while waiting for Tisha onim. 1. Does he need to…
Question: If one is Davening Slichos with a Minyan, but is running behind (or he entered the Shul late), and therefore didn't say מחי ומסי with the Minyan, and…
Question: I found a Machzor for Yom Kippur in the prison chapel library, amongst goyish books. Since some inmates take the books and desecrate them and since, as far…
The Rebbe instructed that the chosson leave during that time so that everything can be recited properly. The chosson himself does not say vidui and tachanun. For Slichos on…