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Chart: Requesting for Rain – טבלא עם קיצור דיני ותן טל ומטר -    5785 - תשפ"ה הטבלא בלשון הקדוש - נמצא למטה click to download לחץ להורדה      
Children’s Chanukah Gelt in Halacha -   Question: I have two young children Bh, one a year and a half, and one 2 months old. Am…

היתרו של בית הלוי שבמקום מצוה מותר לומר לגוי להביא מרה”י לרה”י הגם שצריך לעבור דרך רה”ר

-   שאלה: ידוע ההיתר בשו"ת שערי ציון סי' ח (להרה"ג ר' ב"צ מבילסק מגדולי הדור בערך לפני מאה שנה, ומהמסכימים…

שתיית קוקה קולה לפני שחרית

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Is it allowed to tie the front and back strings of Tzitzis together with a ponytail holder, to keep them neat? -   Question: May I put a little rubber band around my three year olds tzitzis strings.( Where the knot is)…
May one attach a key to a ponytail holder and wear it as a bracelet? -   Question: A group of girls are sleeping at a hotel for Shabbos, and they are eating at a nearby…
Does THROW UP have the same Halachic status of צואה in regards to saying a דבר שבקדושה next to it? -   Strictly speaking one may daven near throw-up, though it would be appropriate not to, especially If it smells to…
Shlichus & Ma’aser -   Question: I'm a Shliach and I really wanna understand the standard of Maaser. What is considered making ends meet?…
Can nails be cut on Thursday after Shkia? Or only after Tzeis? -   Similarly - can they be cut Wednesday after Shkia?   Answer: Thursday only after tzeis. Wednesday should not cut…
During Hagbah, how many columns are required at a minimum, and what is the maximum number of columns that can be opened? -   One should attempt to show three columns. One should not open more under usual circumstances.   Sources: ראה מס׳…

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