Question: If I am lending my money which is in my saving account to a Jew and losing the interest that would accumulate during this time, can this amount…
Question: If I am lending my money which is in my saving account to a Jew and losing the interest that would accumulate during this time, can this amount…
לויתי מחבר שלי כמה דולרים, אנו לא זוכרים אם כבר החזרתי את החוב. האם אומרים שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראי’?
במלוה על פה, פטור מדיני אדם. אבל חייב לצאת ידי שמים. טעמים ומקורות: לצאת ידי שמים - מהרשד״ם חו״מ א, הב״ד בש״ך עה, סה. אבל בש״ך כתב לדחות הראי׳ שצריך לציד״ש. ולש״ך…
The money should be divided among all the Yorshim (the sons). Sources: חייב מן הדין משום הודאת בעל דין כמאה עדים דמי, וממילא חייב להחזיר אפי' מדיני אדם.…
Question: I read somewhere that we should only lend people money in the presence of witnesses. Is the record that CashApp keeps good enough as a witness in this…
Question: The big grant available for seminary makes you sign that you will continue after with college for at least a certain amount of time. Is one allowed to…
Question continued: Should it be when the price goes up? When it’s sold? Does Maaser need to be given before one invests it in another stock? Or should it be…
Question continued: I owe money to a friend of mine, and also to a Shul which I pledged money to. I don't currently make enough money to pay them back…
Yes, some Maaser funds may be used to give an interest free loan. (When doing so, it is best that you have this in mind when separating the Maaser.) In…
The prohibition of "a rasha borrows but does not repay" doesn’t apply to one who had all intention of paying but defaulted accidentally. Certainly, if one settles amicably with the…
Continuation: This sexagenarian yid is a pensioner who wants the money to replace his broken air conditioning. However, I found out that they don't make their loans according to Jewish…