How long does one have to intend to be out of the room for him to need to close the Sefer? Answer: When leaving the room, one should…
How long does one have to intend to be out of the room for him to need to close the Sefer? Answer: When leaving the room, one should…
ספר ללא הסכמה [חזון החיים]
שאלה: אדם בשם חיים שבילי כתב ספר חזון החיים, האם אפשר לקרוא בספר זה ולסמוך על דבריו, חשוב לי מאוד? מענה: לא, שכבר כתבו הפוסקים שאין לסמוך על…
The actual money may be used for any purpose. However, the amount that was designated for the mitzvah of buying seforim must still be used for this purpose. You…
There is no minimum height, it suffices that they are not directly on the floor. ראה שו"ע יו"ד סי' רפ"ב סעי' ז' ובש"ך ס"ק ט' ובית הלל ס"ק…
Permitted. However, one shouldn't rest his elbows on it. Sources: ברמ״א יו״ד רפב, ז: לא יניח אדם ס״ת על ברכיו וב׳ אצילי ידיו עליו, ונ״ל דה״ה שאר ספרים.…
A. One should be careful not to do so unless there is no choice. Or if he was sitting there first and then the seforim were placed there later…
Question: There is a Halacha that you can’t sit on a bench where there are seforim. Does this apply by when the seforim are in a box or a…
Question: We have a changing table in the kids' room for diaper changes. the kids also have a bookcase of their own seforim. I just don’t know how to…
One should be careful not to put anything on top of tefillin or seforim even when the tefillin/seforim are in a bag. Some are lenient with regards to putting…
Question: I am packing my seforim in boxes, preparing to move. Is it ok to place the boxes directly on the floor on the same level that people are…
שאלה: האם מותר, ואולי אף מצוה, לתקן טעויות שהנני מוצא בספרים של אחרים? האם יש חילוק בין ספר של חבר ובין ספר שייך לספרייה ציבורית (של הישיבה וכדו')? אם…
Question: I have a old set of Seforim and I would like to replace it with a new set. Can I buy the new set (fully or partially) with…
Question: Is one permitted to cover a Sefer when leaving the room with another Sefer? How about using a Sefer to save your spot (like in 770, putting a…
Question: I heard that a Tanya should be treated like a Chumash and should not have other Seforim placed above it. Is this true? Also, how does it work…
There are various sources that indicate that this was a common practice amongst tzadikim, due to the holiness of their beard. However in more recent times, many Poskim have…
Question: Apologize for asking a non-Halachic question, though it is relevant to Maaseh B'Poel; I am considering buying the set of Yalkut Me’am Lo’ez. However, I realized that many…
An additional covering is required L’Chatchilla. טעמים ומקורות: שוע"ר מ, ח שספרי קודש צריכים ב' כיסויים. ומשמע קצת שאין הכריכה נחשב הכיסוי אחד מסעיף ב' שם בענין ספרים…
These are the following options: Erecting a Mechitzah ten Tefachim tall. However, this Mechitza should not be made on Shabbos. Placing the Seforim in a container which can contain forty…
The Chayenu publication should be on the bottom of all. Sources: בשו״ת וישמע משה רכג, שבחוברת עם פרשה אחת [כשי״ב פ״ה תיבות לפחות - ראה שו״ע אדה״ז שלד,…
Question: I am making Shir Lamaalos cards. In order that people not be Nichshal by bringing them into a bathroom with one covering, I would like to add a…