Question: I was recently sick with the flu and sinusitis. It was never a state of sakana but I was in bed for a few days, just getting up…
Question: I was recently sick with the flu and sinusitis. It was never a state of sakana but I was in bed for a few days, just getting up…
And what's the גדר of escaping from a fire? What if he just were in the same house and had to run away from the smoke? I was…
Question: I had an allergic reaction that caused my throat to start closing and made me need to call Hatzalah. Would I need to say Gomel for this? …
Question: My brother was playing with a firework today and it exploded in his face! It was a miracle he didn't get a scratch! He just had to wash…
Question: Motzei Shabbos my dining room table and chairs went up in flames as a result of a havdala candle that wasn't put out well. B"H I was able…
Answer: He can say it after kaddish or after the haftorah. Sources: ברוח חיים פלאגי קמד, ג כתב לומר אחר ברכה״ת לפני הפטרה. וראה מה שהעיר על דבריו…
Question: I would like to thank Hashem that my daughter is safe, as she was under water for some seconds. What’s the best to do - sponsor a kiddush,…
Question: Are there any limitations to reciting HaGomel after recovering from a heart procedure, or any other illnesses associated with the heart, since one may never be considered to…
Question: In a few days will be the anniversary of my entering the hospital with corona, r"l. My question is, when and how to celebrate my miraculous recovery. Three…
Only once, on Thursday. This applies even if you stop for a full day in your travels. If however you’ve arrived at your current final destination, even though you’re…
שאלה: ראיתי בתשובת א׳ הרבנים שליט"א שנוטה לומר שבן 60 שהיה לו חום לכ"ד שעות מהוירוס של קורונה צריך לברך ברכת הגומל, אפילו אם לא היו לו בעיות נשימה…
Question: If someone had an uncontrollable infection, to the point of almost dying and actually saying Vidui twice and now is infection free (although there is no saying it…
One should recite the Bracha of "Hagomel" when he has the opportunity to be in front of minyan even after a long period. One should not delay to recite…
Birkas Hagomel is made when there is a chance of Sakana. If the deer crashed into the car and there is a chance of Sakana C"V to life, then…
Question: Can a woman recite Birchas Hagomel (on Shabbos) from the women’s section? Or at the Torah? Answer: It is permissible to do so from the women’s gallery…
Say it now. Sources: סדר ברכת הנהנין פי"ג ה"ה: "ואם איחר מלברך יש לו תשלומין כל זמן שירצה ונכון שלא לאחר ג' ימים". וראה בברכת הבית שער כז…
You should say it. טעמים ומקורות: סדר ברכת הנהנין פי"ג ה"ה: "ואם איחר מלברך יש לו תשלומין כל זמן שירצה ונכון שלא לאחר ג' ימים". וראה בברכת הבית…
Question: What is the Minhag/Halacha for Anash regarding a parent making a Brocha on the birth of a child? The mother saying Hagomel upon giving birth? Answer: The…
You should recite the Brachah of Hagomel with Shem U'Malchus when flying over the Gulf of Mexico since one is traveling over an ocean to another country. Sources:…
Yes. Sources: הן מצד הניתוח והן מצד ההרדמה שנעשה בגדר חולה שיש בו סכנה, החי ע״י המכשירים ונושם הנשמה מלאכותית, נוסף לחשש סכנה מצד ההרדמה, אף שאינו…