Question: I invited a Jewish man over for Yom Tov and he brought his 6-year-old non-Jewish son. Can I use the remaining wine in the bottle for kiddush and…
Question: I invited a Jewish man over for Yom Tov and he brought his 6-year-old non-Jewish son. Can I use the remaining wine in the bottle for kiddush and…
Question: I recently started importing wines with a very good hashgacho and almost all the bottles have the hechsher printed on the cork, but some of the bottles do…
If it wasn't washed together with treife keilim, it does not have to be kashered. יו״ד קלה, ח. וגם הרמ״א לא הגי׳ - ראה מג״א תנא, מט. ובמנ"י כלל…
Question: If a bottle of non mevushal wine is sold individually (not in the case), and goyim are the ones that work in the store (putting the bottle on…
Question: In our Hebrew school curriculum, there is an activity to make grape juice from scratch. If I boil the grapes first, and then then kids juice them, is…
The temperature for wine to be Mevushal is 195˚F. [For a further elaboration of this point, see the sources at the end.] Three more things to consider, in…
Question: Would there be any Halachic problem for a Torah observant Jew to work in a non kosher liquor store that services Jewish (including many not yet frum) clientele?…
Question: A Jewish public school boy asked me: In his high school the boys are encouraged to raise money for some trip they are having, so they are selling…
Question: If one buys a fresh fruit salad which includes grapes in a non-Jewish supermarket need one be concerned regarding stam yeinom because of the grape juice squeezed from…
Article: How is your Scotch “finished"? Aging whisky is an art that endeavors to produce optimal taste and smoothness with a precise blend of ingredients and methods. Many producers…
Question: I need to do a training class for my business which requires knowledge of 50 different examples of wine from around the world. The wine is stam yeinom.…
Strictly speaking, if mevushal is six times more, it’s considered mevushal. Some even say a majority of mevushal is sufficient. Nevertheless, in practice, these opinions should not be followed…
Full Question: I left non mevushal wine in an open brown bag on my desk in school overnight. There are non Jewish janitors that clean the room each day…
No halachic issue. However, some hechsherim aren’t particular about reiyas goy, a non-Jew seeing their wine. See here: #9855
בדיעבד יש להתיר. מקורות: לדידן, בדיעבד מותר בחותם אחד. ראה רמ״א יו״ד קל, ב. וראה כה״ח קיח, ה. וקשר אחד חשיב כחותם. ובפרט כשיש גם טביעת עין. ואף…
It will likely be consumed by that yid and his non-Jewish family. Answer: Lechatchilah it would be best to give only foods and drinks that won't create problems…
There is a way for it to be considered kosher according to the Shulchan Aruch (see Yoreh Deah 123:16). The reason is that the wine crystals become so deteriorated…
Generally, not Okay. However, it depends on the extent of his Chilul Shabbos. It’s advisable to discuss your situation with a Rov. Sources: ראה בה״ג הל׳ שחיטת חולין…
Question: I usually eat candies and drinks with an OU on it. I wanted to know if it is OK to also eat gushers, a product which includes in…
Question: My cleaning help saw a bottle of non-Mevushal wine on my dining room table, but she did not touch it. Can it be used for Kiddush? Can it…