Question: My goye accidentally washed a fleshing knife with the milchig dishes all in one sink. She was not using gloves and the knife wasn’t dirty with meat, just…
Question: My goye accidentally washed a fleshing knife with the milchig dishes all in one sink. She was not using gloves and the knife wasn’t dirty with meat, just…
The paddle is now milchig and should be kashered if you want to use the bread for fleishig. This can be done by immersing in boiling water or by…
I might have used that knife before to cut cheese but I’m not sure. Answer: It may be eaten at the fish course. See here: #365:…
Question: Potatoes were cooked in the same oven as chicken but in separate trays. I'm not sure whether both were covered or perhaps they were both uncovered. Can I…
Question: I have a milchig pot (not used for a few days) that was used to boil pasta and was stirred by a fleishig spoon accidentally. The spoon was…
Question: My wife makes cheese bread using tapioca starch, water, oil, parmesan cheese, and eggs as part of the dough. Once it's baked, it is melted completely and becomes…
Can I eat the cooked apples with milk? Yes. Lechtachila? This should not be done l’chatchilah (with the intention of eating that food with milchigs) unless there is…
צריך לוודא אצל המשגיח במסעדה. בצורה עקרונית, אין צורך לחשוש. גם במקרה וטיפות חלב מתערבבים בטעות, מותר לשתות אחרי בשרי. מקורות: ראה בהלכה יומית אות תרכט לשאלה דומה.…
Question: If one washed and ate a milchig meal, and an hour later did not yet bentch, is he allowed to eat fleishig hamotzie flatbread in the same meal…
Question: By mistake, I heated up parve chocolate chips in a milchig cup in a fleishig microwave. The cup is Corelle. Then I mixed it with a milchig spoon…
Question: Is there a permissible way to kasher yeshiva's fleishige microwave to be used for milchig? In our case, there was no treif situation, but we're not doing this…
Question: A plastic spoon was used to mix a milchig coffee in a milchig mug and then used to mix a pareve coffee in a fleishig mug. Both were…
Question: I have 6 cookie sheets that were Parve. One was accidentally used to bake hot dogs. That sheet got mixed in with the rest, I no longer know…
Question: I am finishing an Invisalign treatment and one of the options is to glue a metal wire behind the front bottom teeth. Is there any problem? Such as…
Question: Raw eggs got wet from milk on the way back from shopping, and I haven't rinsed them when I came home, they sat like that for over 24…
If the milk was or hotter - you should Kasher it. In this case, Kashering can be done by cleaning the urn well, waiting 24 hours, and pouring boiling…
Can I bake my Challa in my fleishig oven? Yes, Challah for Shabbos may be baked in a fleishig oven, even if the oven is dirty (and it’s considered…
No. שו״ע יו״ד סי׳ פ״ט סעי׳ ד׳, וראה אג״מ יו״ד ח״א סי׳ ל״ח. #13403
שאלה: בשו"ע יו"ד סי' צז מבואר שצריך לעשות איזה היכר, והרי הם בצורה מיוחדת? זאת ועוד, בדרך כלל אופים אוזני המן באותו היום, ומבואר שם ברמ"א, שאם יגמרו לאכול…
Everything is still Parve, as it was originally. However, Lchatchila you should not use a Fleishig ladle with a soup that you plan to eat later with Milchig, unless…