Question: If I make a Bracha mezonos on something that contains mostly food of another Bracha such as a slice of cheesecake or a Tofutti cutie, what Bracha Achronah…
Question: If I make a Bracha mezonos on something that contains mostly food of another Bracha such as a slice of cheesecake or a Tofutti cutie, what Bracha Achronah…
Question: If I am eating chicken and peas together on the same plate but not mixed like a salad are they considered mixed and then I will only have…
Shehechiyanu isn't recited on dried fruit. Sources: ע״פ מג״א רכה, יא, וסדר ברה״נ יא, טו, שצ״ל ניכר היטב שהוא חדש ואין עתה כיו״ב מן הישן, ורק אם ניכרים…
Question: I was a guest in a home and was served mezonos bread. I wanted to avoid any shailos of the bracha rishona and achrona and asked for additional…
Question: If I had vegetables and chicken on my plate, and I stuck my fork into a vegetable and began making Ha'adama, but remembered by the word "ha'olam" that…
Question: Recently I had the opportunity to make the Bracha on seeing a rainbow. Surprisingly enough, the same thing happened the next day. I vaguely recall learning that this…
We do not make שהחיינו on an Esrog, especially esrog jam. Sources: שאינו ניכר אם הוא משנה זו לפי שדר באילנו משנה לשנה - יפ״ל א, או״ח רכה,…
If deep-fried - mezonos. If lightly fried - mezonos. However, if eating till your full then you should only eat within a proper meal of bread. If baked or…
Golden berries (Physalis peruvinana or Cape gooseberry) are Ha’adama. שערי הברכה עמ׳ תשעה ובהע׳ נג, מאיר עוז עמ׳ 118, הברכות כסידורם עמ׳ 52. #17374
Question: I'm baking a gluten-free challah recipe for a guest. I'm not sure how to know if the recipe would be hamotzie or not. The ingredients include: brown rice…
Question: Does a Chocolate Danish you buy in the bakery have the Bracha (מעיקר הדין and for בעל נפש ect) as the Babka described here? Answer: There is…
Question: Should we say that nowadays Mezonos bread (made from juice) is an “every day” food and people get full and satisfied from it, and would therefore become Hamotzi?…
A rvi’is of the coffee or tea should be drunk within a time frame of 4 minutes. Practically speaking, for most people, this is not an issue. Nonetheless, since…
Question: If I make cookies by mixing Old Fashioned Quaker Oats (rolled oats)-- without cooking them--with peanut butter (and some honey and chocolate chips) and then freezing them, what…
Q. The ones that say they are Mezonos, do they have the same issues of Mezonos Bread? A. It depends on how they are made. If they’re made using…
Question: I have a piece of cake that has a lot of custard. When I ate it, I took spoonfuls of the custard and ate it separately. I did…
Question: Is the Yirei Shamayim mentioned in Halacha higher lower or equal to a Ba'al Nefesh mentioned in Halacha? I.e. would it be an oxymoron for someone to not…
Question: If I forgot to say Ha'etz on a fruit and said Hoadama already on a vegetable negating the order of brachos, am I still able to say Ha'etz or it…
Question: If one ate two foods that each one needs M’ain Shalosh, (for example, figs and mezonos, etc), but only mentioned one type when starting the bracha and then…
Question: There are these Listerine "breath strips" that you put on your tongue and they melt, which are meant to give a fresh smell to your breath. Do I…