What is the Bracha on egg roll?


It is made of wheat and egg. It is fried and then stuffed with vegetables.

What would be the Bracha Acharona and would the stuffing count towards the shiur?



The Beracha Rishona is Mezonos.

Regarding the Bracha Acharona, the filling counts toward the shiur of Kezayis.

However, if the ratio of dough to the rest of the mixture is a a sixth or more, the Beracha Achrona would be Al Hamichya. If not, it’s questionable whether the Beracha Achrona would be Borei Nefoshos or Al Hamichya. Therefore, one should eat another Kezayis upon which the bracha is certainly Al Hamichya and another Kezayis upon which the bracha is certainly Borei Nefoshos.


 סבה”נ ג, ב. שם ז. שם, ח, ב. והארכנו מזה בלוח יומי לחגה״ש.


