What is the Brachah on ice cream sandwiches?


Brocha Rishona:


With regard to the Brocha Achrona: 

If there is a ratio of 1/6 of mezonos to the other ingredients (which I think is the case for Toffuti ice-cream sandwich), the Brocha Achrona would be al hamichya.

If the ratio is less than 1/6, you should eat another kezayis of mezonos (from a cake or a cookie) in order to say al hamichya, and another kezayis upon which one recites borei nefashos.



סדר ברכת הנהנין ג, ב. וראה בארוכה שאלה 4393.

לשיעור ששית – ראה בארוכה 6701.


