שאלה א: בכתובתי כתוב העשל בלי יו"ד. ושאלתי האם יש צורך או ענין לתקן הנ"ל? תשובה: א. אין לתקן. איך שיהי׳, ה״ז כשר, שבכתובה בכלל אינו מעכב. אלא…
השמות העשל ושלום דובער בכתובה
שאלה א: בכתובתי כתוב העשל בלי יו"ד. ושאלתי האם יש צורך או ענין לתקן הנ"ל? תשובה: א. אין לתקן. איך שיהי׳, ה״ז כשר, שבכתובה בכלל אינו מעכב. אלא…
It's a health supplement for those pregnant or hoping to conceive Answer: Yes. Nonetheless, it is better to take before Shabbos and after Shabbos. Alternatively, it can be…
The correct spelling among Askenazim is ליב. If the tzaire beneath the ל is pronounced similar to a patach as is done in many Hungarian, Polish and Galician communities,…
Generally it is recommended to do so although a decision should be made on a case to case basis. Sources: כ״ה בצוואת ריה״ח כד. ונסתפקו בזה אם הוא…
This is inaccurate. See here at length. #21456 (1)
Question: The Rebbe was against naming a baby by combining a name of one of the Rabbeim with a family name. Does this apply as well to combining a…
מהו האופן הנכון לכתוב את השם יכט/יאכיט
שאלה: קראנו לבת שלנו בשם "יכט" על שם סבתא שלי. והנני מסתפק מהו האופן הנכון לכתוב השם, דבכמה ספרי שמות נכתב השם יכט ובפרט שיש תשובה ארוכה מהדברי חיים…
Question: Hello Rabbi, hope this email finds you well! We are expecting a new addition to the family and are having some trouble finding a name that we like…
(i.e. for someone who has BH until now had smooth natural births but still has fear of the pain in childbirth) Answer: There is no halachic objection to…
Question: My husband was not given any Jewish name at birth and at his aufruf before our wedding, he was invited to choose a Jewish name. In our ketuba,…
None of the above should be done. While looking momentarily is not a problem, one should not gaze intently at the deceased. Rabbi Yehuda Hachasid writes that parents should…
Question: Is there a problem to call someone by only one name if they have two names? For example: if someone has the name Yosef Shlomo, can you call…
האם מותר לאשת כהן מעוברת לכנס לבית הקברות?
מותר. מקורות: רוקח הלכות אבלות סימן שטו מצד ס״ס. מגן אברהם או"ח סי' שמג סק״ב. ש״ך יו״ד שעא, א. שו"ת הרדב"ז, ח"א סי' ר. נתיב חיים על המג"א…
Question: Is there anything halachically wrong with hypnosis? Specifically doing it to yourself with audio guides. There are classes that teach women to hypnotize themselves to reduce pain in…
Question: I have a few general questions regarding the Minhag to say a Passuk that corresponds with one's name at the conclusion of Shmone Esrei: This is the main…
Question: When it comes to the laws of a נפל, the halacha is that there is no אבילות, and the custom is that the parents have no involvement in…
Question: Hi, I am Chabad, and I have a birthing class, and it came up few times in the class about women eating their placenta after birth. Some eat…
And what about the same name for a son and a daughter, such as names which are usually given to both boys and girls (e.g. Simcha)? Answer: The…
Some people have such a custom, though there is nothing wrong with wishing Mazal Tov immediately after birth. Sources: נזכר כמנהג הנשים בדא״ג בשו״ת ישועות מלכו יו״ד סוס׳ מה.…
Question: At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was thinking (and perhaps voiced to my husband) that if I have a girl I'd like to name her for my…