Question: I am thinking about using beeswax candles for Shabbos in the month of Elul as a hiddur. I found candles on Amazon that are made from beeswax and…
Question: I am thinking about using beeswax candles for Shabbos in the month of Elul as a hiddur. I found candles on Amazon that are made from beeswax and…
Answer: There is no known source for this custom. We haven’t seen this practiced among talmidei chachamim and gedolei Yisroel. The Rebbe didn’t practice it either. See also…
Yes. In fact, there is a Minhag to pass one's finger over one's teeth while reciting the words "כך לא יוכלו כל אויבי לנגוע בי לרעה". Sources: בכלל, זהירות…
Question: If a Minyan skips Tachanun, thinking that there is no Tachanun, and they said Kaddish, but then they find out that there is Tachanun, should they say Tachanun?…
Question: While covering the head with the arm during Tachanun; is the head supposed to be touching the covering, or not actually touching only covering? Answer: There are…
לא. ויש מחמירים להצריך עמידה. ולמעשה, כן המנהג. אבל בברכת על נט״י צ״ל בעמידה מן הדין. מקורות: קייל״ן שברכת המצוות צ״ל בעמידה. וכ״פ אדה״ז סי ח, ג, והיינו…
No. In case it is not possible to get a haircut on Sunday, one can (and should) do it on Erev Shabbos. Sources: כגון במקום שהמספרות סגורות ביום…
Yes. The Yortzait candle (whenever possible) may be lit before Barchu, after the time of Tzes Shabbos, and after saying “Baruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lechol”. This should not be lit…
Some suggest dipping in sugar. Others disagree and say to dip in the bread itself three times. Sources: בכה״ח קסז, לז בשם סולת בלולה ז להטביל בלחם עצמו…
The common custom is to say it with the eyes uncovered. Certainly , if due to kavanah it’s easier to say it with the eyes uncovered, one should indeed…
שאלה: לא ראיתי מובאת בלוח הבד"צ הזהירות שהביא הרב יעקב לנדא ששמע מאדנ"ע - להקדים ולסיים אכילת חמץ שלושת רבעי שעה לפני סוף הזמן (יגדיל תורה נ.י. גל' נב…
Full Question: I always drink water during a meal as per the Halacha. article #512: The Importance of Drinking along with Eating But usually I only remember after…
שאלה: בתמונה המצו"ב מפורים תשמ"ט נראה אד"ש כשהוא גולל את המגילה באויר. האם מכאן ניתן להסיק שלא סבירא ליה הזהירות המובאת בפרי מגדים (משב"ז סתר"צ סק"י) שגלגול המגילה הוא…
Question: Do I need to wash on Shabbos day If I don't want to? It's too heavy etc.... Answer: Eating Challa by the Shabbos meals is of primary…
Many have the custom to remove the used Mayim Acharonim water from the table. The reason for this is because there is a "רוח רעה" - "negative spirit" in…
When may we sing Daled Bavos? The following is a list of days and special occasions where it is either recorded that the Niggun Daled Bavos can/should be sung,…
Yes, there is a tradition to say ויתן לך while standing, and this is our Minhag. Indeed, the Rebbe usually did so in public (and as far as we…
With a Tzeirei and then with a Segol. Sources: כמ״ש בס׳ המנהגים חב״ד ע׳ 72. וראה אג״ק יב ע׳ תלב. יג ע׳ קנג. יג ע׳ שלז. יח ע׳…
Question: If a woman would like a service of manicures or pedicures in a salon, and it includes a goy cutting her nails, is the goy allowed to throw…
One should refrain from wishing Happy New Year to a non-Jew which observes it out of secular belief. Happy Holidays is less of a problem, but should be avoided…