Washing on Shabbos Day



Do I need to wash on Shabbos day If I don’t want to? It’s too heavy etc….



Eating Challa by the Shabbos meals is of primary importance and should be practiced, unless there is a medical consideration.

The required amount per meal is only slightly more than the volume of an egg (see note1) and thus a healthy person shouldn’t feel too heavy from eating just that amount.

If there is a concern that one might not feel well (aside for usual tiredness) after eating this minimal amount, or it would cause pain, there would then be place to advise an alternative to eating an K’beitza of Challah, as there may be a medical consideration to take into account. In this case, one can suffice with eating only one Kazayis of bread. (Shulchan Aruch Admor Hazaken Orach Chayim 274:6.)

Additionally, there is the view of the Maharil (the Alter Rebbe’s brother) who testified that towards the end of his life the Alter Rebbe changed his earlier ruling and said that one fulfills the obligation of a “Seudah” for Shabbos also with Mezonos. This would only apply to baked Mezonos foods (לחם שאינו גמור), foods that when affixing a meal on it and eating the requisite amount would acquire the Bracha of Hamotzi. However this should only be relied on in cases of great need, not under ordinary circumstances.



שוע”ר סי’ עדר ס”ה-ו, וראה רצא ס”א שאין צריך לצער עצמו אבל החכם עיניו בראשו כו’, וראה גם סי’ רמט ס”י. סי’ רנד ס”ח. סי’ רסג ס”ג. סי’ רעא ס”ח. פס”ד צ”צ שנז, ג.

בפי׳ ד׳ מהרי״ל בהגה לשו״ע אדה״ז קפח, י – ראה קצוה״ש פסקי הסידור קלב. ודלא כתהל״ד רמט, ג. והחרה החזיק אחריו קיצור הלכות משו״ע אדה״ז מילואים סעד״ר ע׳ עג. וראה קובץ העו״ב חגה״ש תשס״ו. תולדות תשע״ג.

שלכתחילה צ״ל פת – כ״כ בקובץ יגדי״ת ירות״ו יג ע׳ 138. ויתכן לומר, דמהני רק להסברא שהוא משום הזכרת קדושת היום. אבל להטעם דילפינן מירידת המן, או  שעיקר הסעודה בלחם משום עונג ושמחה, צ״ל לחם דוקא. איברא, לסברת קצוה״ש מלכתחילה לא כתב אדה״ז  להתיר בשאר מיני תרגימא ורק בלחם שאינו גמור, והרי ג״ז בכלל לחם. ואת״ל כן, יתיישב מה שבפס״ד להצ״צ כ׳ שצ״ל דוקא פת. וראה קיצור הלכות שם שכתב ליישב באו״א. אמנם, בלקו״ש חט״ז ע׳ 184 הע׳ 17 משמע קצת שהגהת מהרי״ל אינה עולה בקנה א׳ עם ד׳ הצ״צ. וי״ל.

ומ״מ נראה שמשום כבוד שבת יש להדר לכתחילה בדאפשר לאכול פת גמור דוקא, שלא תהא סעודת שבת פחותה משאר סעודות מצוה, ובודאי לחם גמור חשוב יותר (והרי יש לו דין קדימה ללחם שא״ג). וכן נהגו רבותינו נשיאינו – ראה לקו״ש חכ״א ע׳ 84 הע׳ 7.

ובהנהגת כ״ק אד״ש – מפי השמועה שבשנים האחרונות לא נטל ידיו בסעודת היום, ראה גם ארחות מנחם ע׳ סו. ויודעי דבר מוסרים שגם בשנים האחרונות היו כמה שינויים בזה. אלא שאין אתנו יודע עד מה, ובודאי אי״ז הוראה לרבים.







  1. Note:

    How to measure A K’beitza?

    Torah measurements are usually volume based, not weight. A K’zayis is the approximate volume of half an average size egg. A K’beizah is the volume of an average size egg. Nonetheless, for simplicity they have been converted to weight measurements, although the weight measurements are far from accurate. This is because different foods with an equal volume weigh differently.

    The following is the weight for water; (bread and certainly matzah would weigh less) For a K’beitza the weight is approx. 53.8 gram or 1.89 oz. For a K’zayis, approx. 25.6 gram or 0.90 oz.

    In easy practice: 3/4 of a standard square machine matza is approximately a K’beitza. With bread it is harder to measure, as they are not uniform but it is approximately the size of what would fit into a small 2 oz L’Chaim Cup. In order to be safe, one should err on the side of caution and eat slightly more than the shiur, due to a number of reasons, among them since some crumbs remain stuck between the teeth.


Comments (4)

  • Moshe February 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

    What about the fact that the Rebbe didn’t wash on Shabbos?

    • AskTheRav February 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

      No one knows for a fact what the Rebbe did, nor is it our business to know what the Rebbe did in private Regardless, people in the know claim that there were changes over the years in this matter. Either way, in the Hebrew notes this is discussed at length, and the conclusion is that we cannot apply this practice as a directive for us.

  • Ari February 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

    Is it different then 3rd Seuda, that it seems that if you have צער you shouldn’t wash?

    • AskTheRav February 14, 2021 - 3 years ago

      It is different – see ס”ז

      Even there it says that “if you CAN’T eat, one is not REQUIRED to pain himself” and concludes that one should find preventative ideas to enable himself to eat what is recommended without pain.

      This is also alluded to in the notes.

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