Is there a problem with waitressing for a non-kosher restaurant?
Answer: A Jew should not serve as a waitress for a non-kosher restaurant. This is especially the case when there are many kosher restaurants that are always looking to…
Answer: A Jew should not serve as a waitress for a non-kosher restaurant. This is especially the case when there are many kosher restaurants that are always looking to…
Question: Would there be any Halachic problem for a Torah observant Jew to work in a non kosher liquor store that services Jewish (including many not yet frum) clientele?…
Question: The Rebbe was against naming a baby by combining a name of one of the Rabbeim with a family name. Does this apply as well to combining a…
Question: A Jewish public school boy asked me: In his high school the boys are encouraged to raise money for some trip they are having, so they are selling…
According to many opinions, a mezuzah should be placed, as long as the mezuzah will not come to be disgraced. No bracha should be recited. Sources: ראה דעת קדושים…
Does it matter if they are called slightly different i.e. Mendel versus Mendy? If they both have the same exact name, one of them should add a name. Different…
Question: From the list of Brachos that Shulchan Aruch says to say when you see something, which ones do we say? Is there a rule about it? Why don't…
Question Continued: Like if double wrapped or, if I put foil on the hotplate? (The hotplate had been used for meat, and would be used for meat on Yom…
Question: I cut an onion with a milchig knife, then put the onion into a brand new blender with a new blender blade, is the blender blade now milchigs…
Question: My goye accidentally washed a fleshing knife with the milchig dishes all in one sink. She was not using gloves and the knife wasn’t dirty with meat, just…
Question: If I have baked dairy food in my oven, can I make it fleighig after by raising the temperature for a certain amount of time? I also have…
Yes. Without Birchas Hatorah. Haftorah (without the Brochos) should also be said. Sources: רמ״א קמג, ב. מג״א שם ב. משנ״ב שם ט. כה״ח יא. #4891
You can spray the area where you’re standing with air freshener and then make a Bracha. Sources: עפ"י שוע"ר עט סעי' ו וסי' פה סעי' א ופתחי עולם…
Question: I am descended from the Shaloh hakadosh and my family minhag is not to eat turkey. I am now married to someone whose family does not have that…
Question: We have an Aron Kodesh which is narrow and therefore the two Sifrei Torah in the Aron are one in front of the other (rather than side by…
That is says in Pirkei Avos that its like eating from a table of Avoda Zara, is that applicable even if one didn't wash? Answer: This rule only…
Answer: Yes. Sources: כבר כתב הפמ״ג רצד במ״ז ב, שגם בשכח ותודיענו קנסינן לי׳. ולא רק בשכח אתה חוננתנו. וכ״כ רעק״א שם. ודלא בשו״ת אול״צ א או״ח לז.…
האם אפשר לסמוך על גוי לענין חזרה בשבת?
שאלה: האם מותר לכתחילה לבקש מהגוי שיסלק קדירה מכירה גרופה או קטומה ויחזירה על גבי הכירה בשבת, באם הוא יעשה כל תנאי החזרה? דהיינו האם אפשר לסמוך על הגוי…
The common custom is not to make this Brocha nowadays. If one lives in the area where there are no Shules around and he hasn’t seen a Shule in…
Q. When is the last time to make a Chanuka Habayis. Can one do it a year after move-in date? A. If it has not been done yet it should…