This should only be done if there is some food on the plate. When there is food, the entire plate can be lifted and placed in the garbage. If…
This should only be done if there is some food on the plate. When there is food, the entire plate can be lifted and placed in the garbage. If…
Question: My kids have a difficult time falling asleep and take melatonin (in a liquid form) every night for this. May I give it to them on Shabbos? …
Yes. Sources: משום סחיטה ליכא - שוע"ר שכו, סס"ו. ואף משום בונה - עיין מ"א שג, סקכ"ג בשם הריב"ש, ובמחצית השקל שם ד"ה משמע, שמדביק השערות זו בזו…
Question: Is it permitted to tie a beard on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Is the use of beard oils permitted on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Answer: Tying hair…
Regardless of whether its allowed to be done or not, it doesn't seem proper to do, as it would be sanctioning Chillul Shabbos. You should advise her for someone…
There is no difference between filing and cutting nails. Care should be given that it is disposed of properly. A practical solution is to do it over the sink…
Question: I work as a para for a little girl with autism. She is an active child and her mother is expecting a baby and is desperate for help…
To dry the hair lightly so it shouldn't be squeezing deliberately, you should also use a towel so that you don't mind it getting wet. Sources: סימן שכ"ו…
Yes, if the Challah is dry (otherwise regardless it is forbidden on Shabbos) and the pot is totally closed and cover is clean and dry. If the crockpot cover…
You cannot melt it on Shabbos. If it's already melted you may massage it lightly for pleasure. Otherwise, one may not give a massage on Shabbos. Sources: להמיס…
Yes, though you may not inflate it on Shabbos. Sources: שבת מח, א ורש"י שם, וראה ברמב"ם פרק כב מהל' שבת הל' כג. וריטב"א שם. שו"ע או"ח סי'…
Yes. P.s. Although one can make Havdalah before Ma'ariv, some are particular not to do so. Sources: כן הוא משמעות השו”ע סי’ רצט ס”י ושוע”ר סי’ רצג ס”א…
If there is any סרך קדושה (a slight amount of holiness) discussed in these books, like lessons you can take from it, be it Yiras Shamayim or some other…
הפסק בין קידוש לנטילת ידים
שאלה: במקרה שאני לא התחלתי סעודה מיד (ולא תוך ארבע דקות) אחרי קידוש, לא באשמתי אלא בגלל אונס, ולפני שהתחלתי סעודה יצאתי לכמה רגעים לחדר אחר. האם אני צריך…
Question: Many Jewish magazines and/or newspapers come with a closed plastic wrapper over them. Is it permitted to tear it open on Shabbos to read the magazine? Answer:…
Question: If a woman would like a service of manicures or pedicures in a salon, and it includes a goy cutting her nails, is the goy allowed to throw…
Question: I hired a snowplowing company to plow my driveway throughout the winter for a flat rate. (That is the local custom here, it is unheard-of to pay per…
Question: Around Purim this past year, I heard that saying shnayim mikra on Erev Shabbos is good for the pandemic. I’ve been careful to do it ever since. Now…
לכתחילה ישתה בעצמו את הקידוש. ובאם אינו רוצה לשתות ישמע קידוש מאחר. כשמטעמי בריאות או נדר וכדומה אא״פ לו לשתות, ואין מי שיקדש בשבילו, עדיף להביא את הקידוש לשתות…
Yes it is Muktza. One may not move objects out of boredom, unless there is an actual need. There is a disagreement if it is permitted if you are…