Answer: It's allowed. This applies only if the food never enters your ownership and you do not touch the food, rather you are just paying them for it. The payment…
Answer: It's allowed. This applies only if the food never enters your ownership and you do not touch the food, rather you are just paying them for it. The payment…
Yes. Sources: כיון שאין ג׳ תולעים. וראה שו״ת הרשב״א א, קיג. וראה כאן: גם מצינו בשו״ת נוב״י קמא יו״ד כז, הובא בפת״ש פד, ג, שאם לא נודע…
Question: I bought a chicken that has an area of blood coloring with small pieces of congealed blood. Is it Kosher? Answer: The bloody areas should be cut…
Question: It has recently been brought to my attention that there are those who question the kashrut of poultry irrespective of the shchita or shochet. It sounds like they…
Question: If a bottle of non mevushal wine is sold individually (not in the case), and goyim are the ones that work in the store (putting the bottle on…
No. Sources: דעבידא לטעמא ולא בטל, ודרך עשייתו כך. ובמציאות נ״ל ברור שכמעט תמיד אין ששים, שהרי נרגש הטעם. ובלא״ה בהיתר אין לסמוך על ששים, כיון דאיכא קפילא,…
Question: I have a question about the kashrus status of a kitchen (stove, oven, counters etc.) and utensils (pots, plates, cutlery). There is someone subletting my apartment as I…
Question: In our Hebrew school curriculum, there is an activity to make grape juice from scratch. If I boil the grapes first, and then then kids juice them, is…
Question: Someone was writing this on WhatsApp. “According to Rabbi Braun split it's not a hidur now days - and leads to a lot of problems with getting salt…
Under the circumstances you may rely on the following: clean the surface well, wait 24 hours since last usage, turn the elements to the highest heat and pour boiling…
They should not be eaten. Sources: לכאו׳ דמי לצפרניים וטלפיים שאסור מדרבנן (ראה ברמב״ם מאכ״א ד, יח. ואף שי״מ ״שהוא אסור״ בל׳ יחיד רק על שליא נקטו אחרונים…
Question: What is the din for imitation (fake, faux, parve) meat (made out of fruit, nuts, and vegetables)? I am assuming it is completely mutar to have during the…
Question: 1) Is it permissible to have 'Kosher' Slurpees from '7-11', not knowing if they exchange flavors frequently? A) Will the utensil be considered non-Kosher מצד כבוש of a…
Questions: Is there an issue with baking clay (like modeling or fimo) in my oven? The instructions are to bake it so it gets hard and keeps its shape.…
The temperature for wine to be Mevushal is 195˚F. [For a further elaboration of this point, see the sources at the end.] Three more things to consider, in…
No. Of course, if one wishes to be stringent they may do so. However, it should be noted that there are often probably much bigger issues with the food…
You are not fleishig. Sources: ראה שו"ע יו"ד סי' פ"ט סעי' ג' [מִיהוּ אִם אֵין בָּשָׂר בַּתַּבְשִׁיל, רַק שֶׁנִּתְבַּשֵּׁל בִּקְדֵרָה שֶׁל בָּשָׂר, מֻתָּר לֶאֱכֹל אַחֲרָיו גְּבִינָה] ובש"ך ס"ק…
It’s advisable to kasher. Where kashering is impossible, such as earthenware, one should ideally kasher the keilim three times nonetheless and use only after 24 hours. Sources: נחלקו…
Answer: A Jew should not serve as a waitress for a non-kosher restaurant. This is especially the case when there are many kosher restaurants that are always looking to…
Question: Would there be any Halachic problem for a Torah observant Jew to work in a non kosher liquor store that services Jewish (including many not yet frum) clientele?…