Question: I recently started importing wines with a very good hashgacho and almost all the bottles have the hechsher printed on the cork, but some of the bottles do…
Question: I recently started importing wines with a very good hashgacho and almost all the bottles have the hechsher printed on the cork, but some of the bottles do…
בלעתי בטעות נמלים/בשר אחר חלב, האם עלי להקיא אותם?
שאלה: שתיתי מים והשארתי הכוס על מדף רגיל, אחרי איזה חצי שעה מלאתי הכוס מים וכששתיתי ראיתי בתוך הכוס המון נמלים קטנטנים, לא הרגשתי שבלעתי אותם אבל הלכתי והקאתי…
It is permitted to drink, but not directly from the breast (even if expressed into the mouth without contact). Sources: שו"ע יו"ד פא, ז. והנה, בכה״ח פז, כט כתב…
The halachic requirement to check eggs for bloodspots due to the concern of dam rikum (that the blood is the beginnings of a new embryo), applies only if it’s feasible to…
There is no such Halacha, rather a custom developed by some families, out of concern that the pot might become Treif (due to blood that may be found). Nowadays,…
Question: I boiled water in a clean Fleishig pot and then poured that water into a Milchig Baby bottle that had a little milk left in it, is the…
If it spritzed a far distance, or it spritzed on something else first, the oil most probably cooled off to below yad soledes bo before hitting the surface, and…
Question: If a not-yet-Frum person gives me berries or fruits from their yard, do I need to ask how old the tree is? In regards to Orlah in chutz…
Question: Can I eat blackberries/raspberries? If yes, how can I check and clean them for bugs? How about if they are frozen and blended in a smoothie? Answer:…
אכלה תבשיל של בשר שעה קודם סעודת חלב בחג השבועות
שאלה שקבלתי מת"ח אחד, ואלה דבריו: נשאלתי השנה ביום א׳ דשבועות, שאשה הכינה טשולנט ליום ב׳ שחל בשבת, ואכלה ממנו מעט ביום ראשון בבוקר, כדי לבדוק את טעמו, ולא אכלה…
Should not be done. Sources: ראה דעת קדושים סי׳ פט סעי׳ ד: ״אין ראוי לעשות עץ (שמגלגלין עליו עיסות) מעבר א׳ לבשר ומעבר א׳ לחלב, אף אם ודאי…
If it was a regular commercially produced egg, the knife remains kosher and there's no need to kasher it. Sources: See here: Halacha2go #468: Checking Eggs …
Can I use it for both milchig and fleishig if I bring my own milchig and fleishig pot? Answer: The stove may be kashered. See guidelines here:…
Question: The oven in the new apartment is completely cleaned, but not brand new. I tried to kasher it by turning it to the highest setting (550) and for…
If the oven was clean from meat and wasn’t used for meat during the last 24 hours, then the cookies may be eaten. Otherwise, the cookies should ideally be…
Question Details: A non religious Jewish guest cooked chicken in a fleshig pot. However, he cooked on my milchig burners on the stove top. He also put a fleishig…
If it wasn't washed together with treife keilim, it does not have to be kashered. יו״ד קלה, ח. וגם הרמ״א לא הגי׳ - ראה מג״א תנא, מט. ובמנ"י כלל…
Question: We only have one sink in our apartment. We have separate buckets for milchig and fleishig. On Thursday I mistakenly put the milchig pan and other keilim in…
A. Yes, by placing something in between (a blech, silverfoil, metal hanger). Q. Is one allowed to use a tea kettle of a non Jew who only uses…
What do other people do in Jewish owned nursing homes? What if there are Jewish people? Would this be permissible because it’s saving lives? Answer: I can’t answer…