Question: BH dear Rabbi, my father passed on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar this year - the 30th of Nissan. As Adar only has 29 days, would…
Question: BH dear Rabbi, my father passed on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar this year - the 30th of Nissan. As Adar only has 29 days, would…
Yes. Sources: ראה אלפא ביתא דבן סירא שמשער זנב החזיר תפר נח לעכבר. וראה אמרי נועם נח ז, ח. ולהעיר מתנחומא יג. והבדותא שנוצר אחרי המבול - מקורו…
Halacha: Permitted according to most poskim. The Rebbe told some people to buy lottery tickets. See also this video. I also heard from someone that the Frierdiker Rebbe would…
Dear Rabbi Braun, as we previously discussed, I am working on a bill that would mandate insurance to cover infertility treatment. Question: Mitzad Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach, is…
האם כדור הארץ מסתובב סביב עצמו או לא?
שאלה: מהי הדרך המסורתית בנוגע להסביר לתשב"ר האם כדור הארץ מסתובב סביב עצמו או לא? דּוֹר הֹלֵךְ וְדוֹר בָּא וְהָאָרֶץ לְעוֹלָם עֹמָדֶת - האם לפסוק הזה יש שייכות לנושא?…
Question: The other night in Crown Heights an Israeli man was stabbed with a screwdriver after answering "yes" to the question of if he is Jewish. I know that…
סי’ כט’יב: הפריה חוץ גופית כשאי אפשר באופן אחר אם מותר ביד
לכבוד ידידנו הרב הגאון וכו׳ שליט״א בשאלתו במי שהגיע לביה״ר לטיפול הפרי׳ חוץ גופית, וניסו לעשות הוצאת הזרע באופן דהקל קל. ולא הצליחו כלל. והנהלת ביה״ר אמרו לו שילך…
Question: I forgot about not having relations after leaving the bathroom for 12 minutes. Is there a problem of after the fact? Does המשמש... הוין בנים נכפים apply today?…
Question: If a building has two doors, and one has no preference which one to use, should he specifically use the door which is on the right? Answer:…
Question: There is a group called Temple Mount Sifting Project, they say they sift through soil from the temple mount... Is this a problem to be involved with? …
Nail Cutting Homepage - When & How Question: I've heard that it's better not to cut one's nails on Sunday (because it's not so respectful to Shabbos that…
Question: How do I measure the proper place to affix the Mezuzah by such a entry; a third from the top of the circle or from where it goes…
Question: If a couple is unable to conceive a child they are still permitted to have relations for pleasure and to bond and strengthen their marriage. That would mean…
Question: My friend suggested me to read a book on relationships, looking up the author online I see that he also wrote books on oso haish. May I read…
Question: Hi Rabbi Braun, As Yidden, especially Chassidim, we believe in the power of thought (tracht gut etc.), a good thought can go a long way. I struggle with…
Q: Is it permitted to enter a bathroom while wearing a necklace or bracelet that has the Rebbe's dime on it? A: It should be covered when entering the…
It depends for who, why and when. Sources: ראה סה״ש קיץ ת״ש ע׳ 41. רשימת היומן י״ט וכ׳ כסלו רצ״ג ריגא - ע׳ שכא. (אלא שאין הכרח שהכוונה…
This is something that the Poskim discuss regarding young men as well, that struggle with this issue. Ultimately, the mitzva is to satisfy the wife. One should try to…
Question: Is there a Minhag that he who reads Haftorah should lead Musaf on the Shabbos before a Yahrzeit? What about any other Shabbos, is there such a minhag?…
Question: A family went away for Shabbos. They offered us to stay in their house for this Shabbos. We would use their beds to sleep. It this Okay? …