You may trim your mustache - if it interferes with eating - this week. Sources: שו״ע תקנא, יג. ופשטות השו״ע להתיר גם בשבוע זה, שהרי כל עיקר איסור…
You may trim your mustache - if it interferes with eating - this week. Sources: שו״ע תקנא, יג. ופשטות השו״ע להתיר גם בשבוע זה, שהרי כל עיקר איסור…
Yes, especially this year where Tisha B’av is delayed till Sunday, but only the bare minimum items that are needed this week and only those clothing that have become…
Question: My wife usually cuts her hair a few days before going to the mikvah. Would she be able to cut her hair during the nine days or in…
It’s Okay to have the boys play in water sprinklers during the nine days, if effort is made that only face hands and feet become wet, or in the…
No. Sources: שקו״ט בכ״מ, ובפרט לענין ע״ש חזון. אלא שבכ״מ מיירו מענין זיעה רטובה. ולכן נחלקו בזה אם להתיר בע״ש להרגיל בכך. אבל בזיעה יבשה ממש נראה שאפשר…
Halachically one may smoke on fast days. On Tisha B'av one should not smoke. However, if one is unfortunately addicted and it is very difficult for him to refrain,…
Question: We have planned out for camp a whole event for the campers to make their own tzitzis, and we wanted to know if it's possible to make them…
האם מותר להקשיב למוזיקה כיום לאחר החורבן?
שאלה: האם הרמב"ם היומי (תעניות ה, יד) נוגע לפועל? "וכן גזרו שלא לנגן בכלי שיר כולם, וכל מיני זמר וכל משמיעי קול של שיר - אסור לשמוח בהן, ואסור…
The common custom is to keep the Mikva at regular temperature or close to that temperature (not to deter anyone from using it), but not to be in the…
It may be ordered but may not be delivered and installed until after the nine days. Source: ראה אג"מ או"ח ח"ג סי' פב. #10097
Question: Is there a difference (with regards to traveling) between the nine days and motzoei Tisha B'Av until Yud av at Chatzos? Answer: The common custom is to…
Question: I will not be attending Minyan, is there a way I can reach 100 Brochos? Answer: Following is a list of Brachos a married man will make…
Question: If I get a stain on my clothes, can I just wash the area of the stain during the nine days? Answer: Ideally, if it’s a bigger…
Q. If I have a deep fryer, in which chicken was fried, thus rendering the oil Fleishig, is it permissible to use that oil to fry something Parve during…
One who will not be fasting, whether a man or a woman, must hear Havdalah on Motzaei Shabbos before eating or drinking. A child may eat and wait with…
Question: We need to thank someone who extended great kindness to us. Is it permissible to purchase and give a gift (silver or similar type gift) during the nine…
שאלה: שמעתי בשנה שעברה, שכמה רבנים הורו שכל המשתתפים בסיומי מסכת יכולים לאכול בשר. ראיתי אשר בקיצשו"ע סי' קכב סעיף ח מסייג זאת רק למשפחת בעל השמחה ולעוד עשרה…
I have not heard of such a Minhag as an official Chabad Minhag. In Sefer Haminhagim it relates: כ"ק אדמו"ר (מהרש"ב) נ"ע הי' נוהג לעשות סיומים בט' ימים שבין…
Ideally, she should not be open for business to wash Sheitels as explained in the link below (see there about the halacha of washing a Sheitel in the Nine…
One may not launder clothing during the 9 days. If all clothes have been worn and one has no more clothes one may only launder during the week before…