שאלה: מעשה שהי' בבהיכ"נ, שהעשירי למנין הגיע רק לקראת סוף התפלה, וא' מט' אמר שהוא ישאר רק 10 דקות. יש בזה כמה שאלות: האם עדיף להתפלל מוסף במנין או…
מה גובר על מה: תפילה בציבור או קריאת התורה?
שאלה: מעשה שהי' בבהיכ"נ, שהעשירי למנין הגיע רק לקראת סוף התפלה, וא' מט' אמר שהוא ישאר רק 10 דקות. יש בזה כמה שאלות: האם עדיף להתפלל מוסף במנין או…
Question: https://asktherav.com/19086-tefillin-for-someone-who-has-an-urge-to-go-to-the-bathroom/ My question is if I need to use the bathroom, but I can hold myself in - is that considered a Guf Naki or not? The above…
Question: We run a camp for children ages 3-8 boys and 3-12 girls. At line-up every morning we say the 12 Pesukim with the campers. Do we need to…
Question: I Daven in a Minyan where we usually have exactly 6 that begin Shemone Esrei together... Do we need to wait for all 6 to finish Shemone Esrei…
Yes, provided there was a minyan for mizmor l’dovid. Sources: כשלא היו עשרה בעת התפילה, ראה משנ"ב סימן נ"ה סק"ב שהסכימו האחרונים שנכון לומר מזמור או ג׳ פסוקים…
Question: I heard from a lot of people that it is not appropriate to get an aliyah without going to mikva first, but I also know that many are…
Question: If there is a chiyuv which is supposed to get an aliyah, and the gabbai called up somebody else by mistake (for the last aliyah) can the chiyuv still…
Although it's best to be properly covered while learning, nonetheless when it is not possible you can still listen to a shiur. Sources: האשה יושבת וקוצה חלתה ערומה…
Obviously a biological woman will always stay a woman and one may not give them an Aliya or let them be Chazzan regardless of how they look or dress.…
Question: In general, I know that one may not bentch Hagomel or say "Baruch Shep’torani" after Shlishi/Shvii before kaddish, as not to make a Hefsek. My question is by…
Question: We have 12 Kohanim and 2 Yisroelim, 1 of the Yisroelim will be Laining and is a chiyuv (in the 12 months from the petira of his son).…
If you’re holding at a place where you can make a Hefsek (such as speaking), yes, you may say it together with the Minyan. Please see in the…
Question: I have long lists of names of people who need healing that I insert in my prayers when I have the time. I have divided them into those…
שאלה בנוגע למבצע עשרת הדיברות:
שאלה: האם ניתן להחזיר את הס”ת מיד לאחר קריאת המפטיר, ולקרוא את ההפטרה אחרי חלוקת הממתקים ואחרי שהילדים ילכו? מענה: לא. ראה כאן: https://asktherav.com/13764-when-the-one-receiving-maftir-has-to-bentch-hagomel-when-exactly-should-he-do-so/ #21503
Question: I have a tallis that has the holes for the tzitzis that are torn. Can I use metal grommets to attach the tzitzis to the tallis? (That is…
Of course, one has to have kavanah. But if one didn’t, there is no obligation to repeat it, although it is meritorious to do so (unlike Pesukei D’zimrah where…
Yes. Without Birchas Hatorah. Haftorah (without the Brochos) should also be said. Sources: רמ״א קמג, ב. מג״א שם ב. משנ״ב שם ט. כה״ח יא. #4891
You can spray the area where you’re standing with air freshener and then make a Bracha. Sources: עפ"י שוע"ר עט סעי' ו וסי' פה סעי' א ופתחי עולם…
Question: We have an Aron Kodesh which is narrow and therefore the two Sifrei Torah in the Aron are one in front of the other (rather than side by…
No need to wash three times. If washing three times, wash three consecutive times one hand and then the same on the other hand. Sources: כ"מ בלקו"ש ח"ט…