It depends: if you are wearing a talis kotton and you put back on the Tallis within a few hours (even if you have not intended to do so…
It depends: if you are wearing a talis kotton and you put back on the Tallis within a few hours (even if you have not intended to do so…
For someone who davens without a minyan, there is no obligation to say Piyutim, but it is certainly appropriate to do so. This may not be done during one’s…
I am considering accepting a Chazzanus job by a Shliach, but he explained to me that since a lot of his baalei-batim come just for Yizkor, he would like…
The Gemora tells of a rather finicky Kohen, Yisachar Ish K’far Barka’ee, who would put on gloves before performing the avodah (holy work) in the Beis Hamikdash. Besides for this conduct…
Question: In shul this past Shabbos (Ki-Seitzei) the one reading the Haftorah read עניה סערה instead of רני and completed the after brachos with no one stopping him. It…
Perhaps this is due to the opinion that Barchu cannot be recited without a Baracha afterwards. See also here: Sources: ראה שו״ת הריב״ש שלד הובא בב״י או״ח…
I delayed putting on Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin. I daven Mincha and Maariv in a shul that davens Maariv early, I only remembered I didn't put Rabbeinu Tam's after I…
It can happen quite frequently in large shuls (and less often in mid-size ones): You come to daven on Shabbos to find that a small but significant group of…
In Sefer Haminhagim - Chabad it is recorded that the custom is to finish one Pasuk before Sheni, i.e. the last Pasuk is דברים א, י. However many testified…
Question: I live 1 hour and 15 minute walk from Shul. I drive there during the week. I feel uncomfortable walking there mincha & maariv at night. only Shachris…
No. Sources: אסור ללבוש בגדים חדשים בשבת חזון - מג"א תקנ"א, ו. משנ"ב שם, ס"ק ט. ומה גם שה"ז בגד חשוב. ראה אג"מ או"ח ח"ד סימן פ. רבבות…
They should all be said at the appropriate place during Davening, not specifically with the Minyan. Sources: ראה מג"א קלד סק"א: ואומרים אל ארך אפים מעומד מפני שיש…
It’s fine. Sources: ראה שו״ע אדה״ז פט, ז, שלימוד ברבים מותר לפני תפילה שזכות הרבים דבר גדול אפילו נמשך בלימודו עד שזמן תפילה עובר. ושם ב, שמותר לכתחילה…
Yes you should. See here: #9725
Besimcha. Sources: This is our custom and is based on a directive from the Rebbe in 5712. ונזכר ביומנים דאז של הר״א גרוס, הר״י כהן ובבטאון חב״ד. וראה…
When waking a friend for Shema in the morning and he would not be willing to say Berochos before Shema. Should I wake him up and tell him to…
Question: Are women and girls suppose to spit when they say להבל ולריק? Also, regarding bowing by ואנחנו כורעים, what is the proper way for that to be done?…
מכתב קורונה עשרת הדברות FREE TRANSLATION BH, 2 Sivan, 5780 To all members of the community שיחיו In response to numerous inquiries: It is well known the Rebbe's directive that…
Since only the Ba'al Koreh stands on his porch, does he say the Brochos for all Aliyos by himself, or can he say them on behalf of people standing…
If the people in the cars can see each other (or at least the chazzan can) they can be combined as 10 people for a minyan, provided no public…