Is there a Minhag in Chabad whether to or not to use a “Yad” for the Torah reading?


While the Rebbe insisted on decorating the Sefer Torah with a Yad, we do not find that it was actually used during Krias HaTorah not in 770 and neither in other Lubavitch shules. I have yet to find an explanation for this.

Nonetheless, having a yad is a positive thing, encouraged by the Rebbe. While its purpose is for beauty of the Sefer Torah, it should obviously be used if necessary.



ראה מג״א קנד, יד. לקוטי שיחות ח”כ ע׳ 428. שם ע׳ 574. ודנו בזה בהתקשרות גליון תשפד, תשפז, תשפח. ובהעו״ב גל׳ תתקצט. א׳קיח. א׳קכ (ומש״כ בסו״ד שם – תמוה בלשון המעטה) א’קכא. א’קלא. א’קלב.


