This is not completely clear: one approach is not to say it at all. A second approach is to say it after Kadish. A third approach, to say it…
This is not completely clear: one approach is not to say it at all. A second approach is to say it after Kadish. A third approach, to say it…
Question: Is it tznius for over Bas Mitzvah girls to daven in a place like Prospect Park (not while on the go, specifically going to park to daven there)?…
אם לא תתבטל תפלת הציבור עי״ז, עדיף להתפלל ביחיד בזמנה מלהתפלל בציבור לפני הנץ החמה. ומכל מקום, נכון לבוא לתפלת הציבור ולשמוע קדיש קדושה וברכו וכו׳. ומה טוב, אם…
Ideally, two other people should stand by the bimah, one to his right and one to his left. The baal koreh should hold both atzei chaim. Sources: שיעמדו…
I've seen that there seems to be some dispute regarding this, but what is the halacha l'maase? Answer: You should answer only Amen yehei shmei... and the last…
Question: We are planning to make a brunch for the mechutamin on the 7th day after the chasuna. They will have had a sheva brachos the night before. Should…
Question: Our minyan often begins with only 8-9 people and the Chazan sometimes must wait at Borchu for a tenth. Can I say tehillim during this pause (between Yishtabach…
תשובה: אין אומרים חזרת הש"ץ, דהיינו כל זמן שאין עשרה כשמתחיל חזרת הש"ץ, אין לומר חזרת הש"ץ (חוץ מתפילת ערבית שאם הי' שם עשרה בשעת התפילה ויצאו אחר שמו"ע…
Question: Before Corona when my kids weren't home I would try my best to daven and say Chitas every day. Now with my kids home and less time available,…
Yes, and so is the practical custom. See here: article #304: Preference for a Levi .עיין רמ"א בסי' קלה ו, ט"ז ו, מג"א י, ובמחה"ש שם, תורת…
בענין ש"צ שטעה ואמר תתקבל מיד אחרי תחנון Question: When a Chazzan said full Kaddish by mistake either right after tachnun by shacharis, or Motzaei Shabbos before Vihi…
שאלה: האם מותר לארגן מנין ככה שיש רוב מנין בשתי חצרות גדולות, (ואין רואים אלו שבחצר זה את אלו שבאחרת), ומצורפים ע"י חזן שעומד על המפתן ויש שמצטרפים ומשלימים…
There is an obligation to answer Amen whenever one hears any Beracha. You do not need to stop to listen to chazoras hashatz when walking outside, but if you…
Question: I’m a Lubavitcher, When davening mincha with a satmar minyan when they particularly don’t say tachnun during mincha, do I skip tachanun or do I say it after…
Candies should certainly not be thrown as they are extremely dangerous. The original custom was to throw soft treats, such as roasted wheat and nuts, raisins, popcorn, etc. This…
Question: He is very likely to be the 10th person for Minyan at the daily Davening that takes place in his school. Can he be part of the Minyan…
You don't need to wear a Tallis. If the congregation is particular about this, you should wear it just over the shoulders (together with a hat), so it shouldn't…
Question: If someone is davening in a shul building, but not in the actual Beis Hakeneses where the Sifrei Torah are kept and not in a room that opens…
I have read your excellent write-up about davening after chatzos. Question: If I enter into a shul where people do not know the correct halacha and make a complete…
Question: I have a friend (who is slowly increasing in observance) who suffers from anxiety. He recently started davening on a regular basis and often finds it difficult to…