Can I ask a Goy to turn off by bedroom lights on Shabbos?
Question: If I forgot to turn off the lights in my bedroom, May I ask a goy בדרך סיפור to have it turned off so that I can sleep?…
לוח יומי לחג השבועות תשפ”ד
לוח יומי שבועות תשפג | Day-to-Day Shavuos 5783
לוח יומי שבועות תשפב | Day-to-Day Shavuos 5782
לוח יומי שבועות תשפא | Day-to-Day Shavuos 5781
Question: If I forgot to turn off the lights in my bedroom, May I ask a goy בדרך סיפור to have it turned off so that I can sleep?…
Question: I've noticed in some seforim that it's fine to daven if you close the bathroom door. Now I understand that the walls should not be a problem since…
Question: I just learned how to tie tzitzis. Can I untie the current kosher strings from my tallis (and tallis kotton) and put new ones there. The old strings…
Yes, if the sefer was used and the small pieces are noticeable. Sources: ראה שבת צ, א: מקק ספרים ומקק מטפחותיהם כל שהוא שמצניעין אותן לגונזן. ופירש״י שכל…
Question: I have been suffering for the last few years from an extremely bothersome chronic condition. After much research and experimentation, I want to try doing a multi-day water…
Question: Can you give some clarity regarding the Halacha of when is davening and needs to use the bathroom, does one stop davening or does one hold it in…
If the candles are placed opposite the window in a manner that if there would be a typical draft from that direction it would inevitably extinguish them - even…
טלטול הנר בשפוך חמתך
שאלה: ראיתי בסימן רעז (ס"ב, באדה"ז - ס"ג) שיש להזהר בטלטול נר של שמן שמא השמן יתנדנד ויתחייב משום מבעיר או משום מכבה משא"כ בנר של שעווה שלא שייך…
Question: Can a couple travel on a boat, if that is the only way to leave where they are (like on an island for example) when wife is Nida?…
If she is doing it to have him enjoy, it shouldn’t be done. Sources: ראה שו״ת מנח״י ז, עא שנסתפק בזה. ובסו״ד כ׳ כנ״ל. וראה גם שיעורי…
Question: BH dear Rabbi, my father passed on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar this year - the 30th of Nissan. As Adar only has 29 days, would…
Question: My father passed away on Rosh Chodesh Shevat. My question is: on what day is the סיום הקדיש, is it ערב ר"ח טבת or is it יום א…
A parent who is an Avel can attend as normal. However, he should not dance. Sources: הרי בדגו״מ שצא מתיר מעיקרא לכל אבל. והובא בפת״ש ועוד. ואף שהמנהג…
Question: I had been saying extra tehillim for yeshuos in my family. I said for a few years the entire book over the week as divided in 7. I…
Question: If the normal minyan I attend on Shabbos has a Simcha and I can’t get an aliya at Shacharis, should I attend another Shul where I can, or…
Question: Food in an open tray was placed on a blech that was off on Shabbos. Then the blech turned on because of a timer (mistake). What's the din…
Yes. Sources: ראה אלפא ביתא דבן סירא שמשער זנב החזיר תפר נח לעכבר. וראה אמרי נועם נח ז, ח. ולהעיר מתנחומא יג. והבדותא שנוצר אחרי המבול - מקורו…
Question: I’ve had a number of requests lately to say tehillim from individuals who are going in for “tests”. What exactly is the teffila? It’s not procedure, it’s to…
Question: When a man is using a mikvah which is בור על צד בור is there any הידור or תוספת טהרה to take out the stopper that is blocking…
Halacha: Permitted according to most poskim. The Rebbe told some people to buy lottery tickets. See also this video. I also heard from someone that the Frierdiker Rebbe would…