From a strict halachic perspective, there is room to permit all shampoos and soaps on Pesach. But many are strict regarding Pesach and only use soaps that are certified…
From a strict halachic perspective, there is room to permit all shampoos and soaps on Pesach. But many are strict regarding Pesach and only use soaps that are certified…
Paper cups (hot or cold) and plates present a problem on Pesach, as in the manufacturing process the paperboard is starched. Therefore plastic cups and plates should be used…
Mouthwash and toothpaste are not only a concern regarding Pesach but also the entire year as some may contain animal-derived (not kosher) ingredients. See here: article #589: Does…
שאלה: שלחתי משלוח מנות דרך ה'פוסט אופיס', ובאמצע חול המועד פסח זה חזר לבית סבי (הכתובת שלי בארצות הברית) וזאת מכיון שכתבתי כתובת לא נכונה של המקבל. ומכיון שסבי…
Question: I saw the Rav briefly touched upon this in a Hebrew teshuva, but I wanted more clarification in relation to a practical question. If someone bought a box…
Question: We have a standing order with Amazon to ship some items monthly among them instant oatmeal. We forgot to cancel it and it came during Pesach. We were…
Question: Many have a custom to keep a sock on their tap over Pesach, to make sure that no Chametz will come out of the tap, What should we…
Question: Several Pesach'dike dishes were used for rice - (that had a Kosher lePesach hechsher). May they be used on Pesach by Chabadnik Ashkenazim? Can these utensils be used…
Not ideal. Sources: רעק״א סי׳ תמ״ו על מג״א סק״ב, והגהות ח״ס שם, די״ל דלא מקיים בזה עשה דתשביתו, דאין שליחות לנכרי. וה״ה קטן. אלא, שבלא״ה שורפים לפני חצות…
Although halachically nail polish is accepted on Pesach without a hechsher, many have the custom not to use them on Pesach unless you know it's chometz free. …
Charcoal which might contain chometz as a binder should not be used. One would need to inquire if wheat is used. Starch binders from corn are okay. Sources:…
Any unflavored bottled water without any additives of minerals, carbonation etc. is kosher for Pesach. Check the label carefully. #14075 (1)
שאלה: לא ראיתי מובאת בלוח הבד"צ הזהירות שהביא הרב יעקב לנדא ששמע מאדנ"ע - להקדים ולסיים אכילת חמץ שלושת רבעי שעה לפני סוף הזמן (יגדיל תורה נ.י. גל' נב…
Question: I am finishing an Invisalign treatment and one of the options is to glue a metal wire behind the front bottom teeth. Is there any problem? Such as…
AskTheRav cannot comment on Kashrus of a product without visiting the plant. Kitniyos may be fed to them. Millet and canary grass seed and rape seed can be used…
Here are a few excerpts from our Halacha guide: Thursday: Denture wearers who are scrupulous, should not eat or drink any warm or sharp chametz substance for a twenty-four…
Question: There is a corner store in Israel, from what looks like a Jewish owner, but I noticed they are open on Shabbos. Is it possible that they didn't…
נסתפקתי בנוגע "לשעור משהו": מחד גיסא כשאומרים איסורו במשהו פירושו שאין לו שעור כלל למטה. לאידך, הרי מצינו לגבי איסור שרצים וכו' שרק אלו שרואים בעין גשמי ללא זכוכית…
שאלה: לאחדשו"ט ראיתי שכב' ינאם הערב בעניני מכירה ע"י אינטערנעט. סידרתי פה בעירנו המכירה עם גוי בהשעה הנכונה. כשגמרנו המכירה אמרתי להגוי שגם כלול בהמכירה מה שיגיע יותר מאוחר…
The food needs to be thrown out. The spatula needs to be cleaned (not in the pesach sink!) and put away, and the pan needs to be cleaned (as…