Question: Is one supposed to say סברי מרנן before hagafen that precedes sheva brachos under the chupah (-and the same question would probably be about siddur kiddushin as well)?…
Question: Is one supposed to say סברי מרנן before hagafen that precedes sheva brachos under the chupah (-and the same question would probably be about siddur kiddushin as well)?…
Question: How come minhag Chabad is not to put ashes on the chosson b'makom tefillin shel rosh or to say/sing im eshachech at the chuppah? Answer: Poskim mention…
Lchatchillah - yes. Some say that even bedieved, after the fact, one cannot make Sheva Braachos, if they didn’t wash. In other meals other than the wedding night one…
שאלה: חתן ביום חופתו, כשהחופה מתקיימת בלילה, האם אומרים תחנון?
תשובה: המנהג הפשוט שא״א תחנון בשחרית גם בזה. טעמים ומקורות: נחלקו הפוסקים בנוגע אמירת תחנון ביום החופה. ואדה״ז בשו״ע קלא, ה כתב שנהגו שלא ליפול בבית החתן ביום…
Question: Is it necessary to wear a gartel at a chupah if I am...: Reading the kesubah, Reading the Rebbe's letter, One of the eidei kiddushin, Saying one of…
You would have to say tachnun. Sources: ראה שו״ת ישכיל עבדי ז בהשמטות סימן ג. שבה״ל ה יב. שם ח, כד. וראה אריכות בקובץ אור ישראל יד. עבודת…
Question: What is the worth of the Kesubah מנה & מאתיים זוז in today’s money? How is it calculated for today’s times? Answer: AskTheRav is primarily focused on…
ברור שכשר לעדות. מקורות: הוא ע"ד המובא בסמ"ע בחו"מ סי' ל"ד ס"ק יו"ד בענין תקנות הקהילות. ועכ"פ אפי' העובר עבירה מדברי סופרים אינו פסול לפני הכרזה (חו"מ שם…
Question: I am getting married soon and I have a hard time fasting. I get bad headaches and even after I break my fast I am really out of…
The Halacha is that a brother may not hug or kiss a sister or vice versa. This applies to any type of affectionate physical contact between them. Dancing together…
Question: My Kallah is a lefty, and I understand there is a debate as to which hand the ring is placed on. I’d like to know the sources on…
If this is permissible, does the Kallah need to wash and make hamotzie where the Sheva Brochos will take place? or is it enough if she has in mind…
Yes. Shabbos & Yom Tov, including Chol Hamo’ed. Erev Yom Tov. Purim. Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. And according to many opinions - on Fast Days. In the later years, the…
It should be thick enough that she should not be able to see through it, nor should others be able to see her. Explanation: There are a number…
Normally we don’t fast on this day, however, with regards to a chooson and kallah on the wedding day, fasting is required. Sources: מג״א תקעג, א. חיי״א קלב,…
בינתיים מצאנו רק אצל אוה״ע. ולע״ע לא מצאתי שום מקור אמיתי אצל בנ״י, ורק ״המצאות״ לבאר טעם ה״מנהג״. וראה המצו״ב. וניכר שהטעמים נתחדשו זה מקרוב. #14588
Question: I am very worried whether my kiddushin was valid, because when I said "harei at mekudeshes..." I was very overwhelmed and I don't remember that I had the…
Question: I have a Sefardi cousin who is getting married a week after Pesach. Am I allowed to go to the Chasunah, be there by the music and dancing…
Question Continued: My father is getting remarried tomorrow, and we, his children will not be able to travel to attend due to the covid-19 pandemic. He has sent us…