Many poskim have choice words to say about men growing a fringe, long hair in the front, or even long hair in the back. A key problem mentioned by many poskim is that…
Many poskim have choice words to say about men growing a fringe, long hair in the front, or even long hair in the back. A key problem mentioned by many poskim is that…
A hot water urn that is available for public use in a place of business, work or school cafeteria or an airline kitchen may become Treif (non-kosher) when it comes…
Le’chatchilah (the correct behavior before the fact), a hot milchig (dairy) pot and a hot fleishig (meat) pot should not come into contact with each other. In case they did touch, Be’dieved (after the…
Opening a can on Shabbos involves a host of halachic issues, some of which are subject to serious debate amongst contemporary poskim. The issues include the risk of transgressing…
An issue frequently addressed by poskim is whether disposable utensils require Tevilah. The majority opinion is that since these utensils are not intended to last, and will eventually be disposed of,…
The Bimah may not be in the front of the shul. If absolutely necessary, there is room to permit so when there is at least one row of seats…
See here for answer. Sources: מקורות: חסל״א הובא בכה״ח סב, ז. מנחת יהודה הו״ד בשפ״ח שמות ח, ח. הליכות שלמה כב, ד. וראה העמק שאלה שאילתות ואתחנן קמג שהוכיח…
Article: Snow on Shabbos According to some Poskim, snow that falls on Shabbos is Muktzeh, but if it fell before Shabbos, it isn’t. Many Poskim say that we may not…
There is a Halachah in Shulchan Aruch that one should not drink water B’sha’as Hatekufah (four moments throughout the year, the two equinoxes and the two solstices, which mark when…
Question: My brother works in a store in Crown Heights and found a stroller that was left behind already for three days. He offered it to me and said…
Yes. with specific conditions: Wedding Expenses from Ma’aser Money Ma’aser money can be used for other mitzvos, not only for tzedakah, as long as they are not obligatory mitzvos. A person may not use ma’aser to…
Spending Shabbos at a Hotel Due to the widespread use of technology, there are quite a number of issues that have to be addressed prior to spending Shabbos at…
Do we put up a Mezuzah on the Tefach HaChitzon on a Brick wall, or is it better to put it on the doorpost? A common design for…
Q. Are we allowed to buy children's books/Seforim before our baby is born? A. In this case, where it is for a Mitzvah, it is certainly OK. Read on…
Cheese was melted in a Fleishig microwave. What should I do? It must be Kashered. Kashering a microwave from Milchigs to Fleishigs or from Fleishigs to Milchigs on a regular basis is not…
When it says that the Menorah is supposed be lit between 3 and 10 Tefachim from the ground, does this refer to the height of the stool that the…
Mezonos cereals produced of risen batter from the Chameishas Minei Dagan (the five types of grain, i.e., wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt) are considered Pas (bread product) by many Poskim, since…
Do I make a Brachah when putting up a Mezuzah on a public property, like a school building? or a store? No. Read on for more details. Article: Mezuzos…
Judaica stores sell special boxes that are marked for Genizah (cached storage of holy material). One can fill the box with their Shaimos (literal translation: names, i.e., worn out holy material),…
There is a prevailing custom among men—in addition to the tradition of Tevilas Ezra, dating back to the times of the second Bais Hamikdash —to use a Mikvah for…