Question: I cant talk for a couple days in order to heal a throat muscle strain. Saying even a few words, whispering or mouthing is harmful to the strain.…
Question: I cant talk for a couple days in order to heal a throat muscle strain. Saying even a few words, whispering or mouthing is harmful to the strain.…
Question: Sometimes the Chazan finishes early and takes 3 steps forward to learn/recite tehilim by the amud for comfort while waiting for Tisha onim. 1. Does he need to…
Question: If one is Davening Slichos with a Minyan, but is running behind (or he entered the Shul late), and therefore didn't say מחי ומסי with the Minyan, and…
Question: I found a Machzor for Yom Kippur in the prison chapel library, amongst goyish books. Since some inmates take the books and desecrate them and since, as far…
The Rebbe instructed that the chosson leave during that time so that everything can be recited properly. The chosson himself does not say vidui and tachanun. For Slichos on…
Question: Does one take 3 steps back and then say tehillos le'eil elyon or Shira chadosha and then go back to their place, or take 3 steps back and…
When Moshiach comes, we will no longer ask for our needs in Shmoneh Esrei; instead, we will only give thanks to Hashem. Whether this will take effect immediately or…
האם מותר לי להגיד יעלה ויבא (או אתה חוננתנו, משיב הרוח וכו’) בקול קצת חזק להזכיר לאנשים לומר אותם?
מותר, אבל לא נכון שכל אחד ואחד יעשה כן. מקורות: ראה צרור החיים לר״ח מטודילו, תלמיד הרשב״א, דיני טעויות בתפלה יג - ע׳ טו - שהרמב״ן הי׳ אומר…
Halachically, there is no need to stand while the reading of the Torah even if the Bima is not on a raised platform or the Torah is being read…
Question: I heard that Kabbalisticlly it’s not good to cover the head Tefillin with ones Tallis. So what is one supposed to do for Birchas Kohanim when he’s supposed…
Question: Due to a health issue my father can not say or read brachos. However he can answer Amen and he is aware of what he is listening. My…
Question: How far does one have to check after the bathroom to be concerned about these issues brought in shulchan Aruch? For some, being overly concerned can at times…
It should be covered for praying. You can not pray within the 4 cubits if there is a bad smell. Source: שוע"ר סי' פז סעיף א-ב בענין גרף…
Introduction: One may not accept Schar Shabbos (payment for work done on Shabbos). One way of being permitted to accept payment for Laining is to be paid for the…
Question: Am I allowed to get an aliya during a krias hatorah in which the baal koreh mispronounced a word or several words which changed the meaning of the…
When davening minchah with that minyan you may skip tachanun. However, if at all possible, you should say it privately in a way that’s not noticeable. Sources: ראה…
תחנון בליל הברית
שאלה: האם בעל ברית אומר תחנון בקריאת שמע שעל המטה בליל הברית? (היינו בנוגע לאם התינוק, או בנוגע לאבי הבן אם הולך לישון, או לאלו הנוהגים לומר ק״ש על…
Yes, but you should not verbalize that your are preparing for a different Shabbos. However, if you’re getting paid for laining, there are restrictions -See here: Sources:…
Question: Is one allowed to prepare the laining by night, since it is Torah shebichsav which is generally not learned by night? Answer: One should originally make sure…
The minhag is that we don’t say Tachnun only on the day of the actual Hachnosas Sefer Torah. Sources: אף שיש לצדד שלא לומר תחנון גם…