If 5 people are holding with the minyan, can the 6th person do Chazaras Hashatz?



I have noticed that many shuls that have five people with the minyan will daven amida and then have the six person does the whole chazaras hashatz, is this correct thing to do? What’s it based on and can they do the same thing if they have four people davening and the fifth one does chazara instead?



In order to do Chazraras Hashatz, there need to be at least 6 people who Davened Shemoneh Esrei. If there weren’t 6 people who Davened, then the Chazan should Daven his Shemoneh Esrei out loud so that all can answer Kedushah. Even if it is just for the Chazan (he is the only one who didn’t hear Kedushah) he can say Shemoneh Esrei out loud (but should finish after Hakel Hakadosh quietly. He should continue Elokai Netzor through Oseh Shalom).


See also:

We are making a Minyan in a prison for RH and YK. If we have a Minyan but not 6 people Davening the Amida can they still do Chazaras Hashatz since we are dealing with people that don’t know how to Daven?

If the Minyan has less than 6 that are holding together right before Shmoneh Esrei….


