Question: I am a doctor. I have seen from personal experience that people get better care if they are not alone in the hospital. Especially sometimes if the woman…
Question: I am a doctor. I have seen from personal experience that people get better care if they are not alone in the hospital. Especially sometimes if the woman…
Yes, all vestos that fall out in the first three months (90 days) of pregnancy must be kept. שו"ע יו"ד סי' קפ"ד סעי' ז. #9640
You can ask them to sweep the area that you plan to step on so that there are no possible remnants of nails, and then that will remove all…
Question continued: My grandmother, who passed away recently was named Victoria . That was her only name. I would like to name my daughter after her but my husband says…
Question: My wife is beginning her ninth month, her family has the minhag to toivel in the ninth month. I also have heard that toiveling afterward is a segula…
I am not aware of any concept/directive of using specifically the standard Shir Lamaalos card (painted by Raphael Abecassis in 5747). It appears that the main thing indeed is…
Question: Should one davka be spelling their name the way it is halachically written in a Kesuba/Gett? Perhaps it can be argued that those rules were written for legalese/contract…
Question: I recall reading in Igros Kodesh that the Rebbe instructs not to take a baby under 1 year overseas. Question: Is the issue only to go overseas (plane),…
Question: I am currently making the Matzeiva for a relative who passed away recently whose name was Baila bas Feivel. With regard to Baila: I know you've written in the past…
Question: When someone has twin girls what is the appropriate mi shebeirach to say when naming them? Is one Kiddush sufficient? Answer: Regular Mi Shebeirach, twice. ראה ספר…
If he will keep a new Jewish name, then give him a Jewish name while calling him up to the Torah. If he won't keep the name then call…
There is a debate amongst early Rishonim whether ancient astrology has any truth to it, though all agree that a Jew shouldn't lead his life solely based off it, see…
לעשות שליח לקרוא שם על יד ספר תורה בהמנין כנהוג. מקורות: ראה לקו"ש חי"ד ע' 250, חי"ב ע' 182, אג"ק חכ"ב ע' ר"ס ועוד, ובקונטרס שמא גרים פרק…
Question: My wife gave birth 3 weeks ago and the lactation expert told he she must apply olive oil and antibacterial cream 3 times a day. How can she…
He should recite the following Tehillim: תהלים: א, ב, ג, ד, כ, כא, כב, כג, כד, לג, מז, עב, פו, צ, צא, צב, צג, קד, קיב, קיג כו' עד…
1) When needing to call a taxi to go to the hospital, is a shinui of the left hand suffice? Along those lines when there is no cut toilet…
Answer: This matter is discussed in a number of Poskim. The general rule is that one may not induce or rush the onset of labor unless there are clear…
Question: They say there is a lot that they can prepare for if Chas V'Sholom something is wrong. My friends are being told that it is okay to take it.…
Under normal circumstances, it should not be done on Shabbos. Sources: נשמת אברהם או״ח שיח, ב - ע׳ שסא. אה״ע א ע׳ י. שש״כ לג, כ ובהערה…
For shmira purposes, it’s enough to keep it for three or seven days (or, according to some, four weeks or thirty days). However, there is an additional reason why we…