There are several conditions that have to be met to allow replacing a pot of soup, cholent, or other cooked food on the blech (an aluminum sheet used on…
There are several conditions that have to be met to allow replacing a pot of soup, cholent, or other cooked food on the blech (an aluminum sheet used on…
You should take the pot out of the base first. One may return the pot provided that one adheres to all the Chazara conditions: The food must be completely…
Question: A crock pot containing cholent was somehow turned off on Friday night in a Chabad House, and a yid asked the goy to turn it back on. Although…
פולמוס הצ׳ולנט – בישול בשבת
פולמוס הצ׳ולנט - מעשה דרמות: מעשה שהיה בשכונתינו (רמות פולין ירושלים) בשב"ק האחרונה, התקיימה שבת שבע ברכות באולם ובא המלצר בליל שבת וראה שהניחו את סיר הצולנט על האש הקטנה ואת המרק על האש הגדולה, ולכן…
Question: I learnt that the food in the crockpot needs to be cooked or raw at the start of Shabbos for it to be fit to eat on Shabbos…
האם מותר להשהות בשבת קדרה (שלא נתבשלה כמאכל בן דרוסאי) אם השליך לתוך חתיכת בשר עוף חי (כמובן מיד לפני השבת), או שההיתר אמור רק בבשר בהמה?
ההיתר אמור גם בבשר עוף. אבל אם במציאות תתבשל כבר לסעודת הלילה, וכן הוא בדרך כלל בימינו, אי אפשר לסמוך על זה. מקורות: פשוט דקדרה חייתא היינו גם…
Question: This past Friday my wife started cooking the cholent about 4 hours before Shabbos. About an hour after Shabbos came in, she was watching the cholent pot cook…
Question: We are concerned that the power may go out Shabbos morning - If we have a Cholent which is on a blech and the power goes out on…
Question: I have the habit of putting raw cholent in the crock pot 5-10 minutes before licht bentching and then run to mikveh and daven mincha. If this a…
What Bracha is said on the following items: I made a "kishka" mixture using old challah, water and some flour, cut onions, oil and spices, then I cooked the…
If it's on a Blech, it doesn't need to be cooked. But then you may not put it back on the fire on Shabbos. If it's not on a Blech,…
Full Question: I read the article regarding the usage of Sous Vide on Shabbos, I also noticed an article from the OK on this topic, among other things they…
Q1. What is the Bracha on Cholent made of potato, barley and meat, where barley is all disintegrated? A. Mezonos. Q2. What is the Bracha on Cholent made…
If the cleaning lady made a mistake and you did not tell her anything, for example she mistakenly switched off the light and then she re-lit it, or she…