Question: I had been saying extra tehillim for yeshuos in my family. I said for a few years the entire book over the week as divided in 7. I…
Question: I had been saying extra tehillim for yeshuos in my family. I said for a few years the entire book over the week as divided in 7. I…
Question: I’ve had a number of requests lately to say tehillim from individuals who are going in for “tests”. What exactly is the teffila? It’s not procedure, it’s to…
Question: My baby was diagnosed with… Regarding Tehilim said for her that she should recover, I heard there is such a thing as not publicizing. Should we be asking…
Only the new one. Sources: אמירת המזמור החדש - סה״ש תשמ״ח ב ע׳ ע׳ 406. ובכ״מ. שלילת הישן - מענה נדפס בהיכל מנחם ג ע׳ נה. ועוד. ועכ״ז…
The Minhag is to say Tehilim after Al Tira before Velakachta Soles and Sheish Zechiros. Sources: בלוח התקון לסידור תהילת ה' תשל"ח (נדפס בהערות התמימים ואנ"ש בית משיח…
האם מותר להגיד פרקי תהילים בעל פה?
מותר לומר פסוקי תהלים בעל פה. ראה הלכה יומית אות תלד ובמראי מקומות לשם. ואעתיק החלק השייך לכאן: בנוגע לתהלים - כ״כ בשו״ת חו״י סקע״ה. אלא שמ׳ שם…
Question: When one says Hashem’s name by mistake during Tehillim or davening (specifically by Shemoneh Esrei), does one say ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד right then or after…
Question: Is it permissible to say Tehillim on Friday night? I am part of a few Tehillim groups that specifically say the Tehillim after licht benching and I also…
You may continue saying tehillim for them as you wish. Sources: ראה מהרי"ל בתחילת הלכות שמחות: "ואמר שמה"ר זלמן היה בעיר נוישטט מיחה שלא לברך על החולה בעיר…
Question: Is it a minhag/inyan to say my wife's kapitel Tehillim? I have been doing it since we got married, but someone told me there's no source for it.…
Q. May I say Tehillim at night during Elul? A. No. See sources below. Q. May Tehillim be said at night during Aseres Yemei Teshuva, or is it…
Question: It is well known the instruction of the Rebbe that everyone should say their own kappitel (chapter) Tehillim corresponding to their age. Is there however any source that if…
כ. ו. ט. יג. טז. יז. יח. כב. כג. כה. ל. לא. לב. לג. לז. לח. לט. מא. מט. נה. נו. סט. פו. פח. פט. צ. צא. קב. קג.…
He should recite the following Tehillim: תהלים: א, ב, ג, ד, כ, כא, כב, כג, כד, לג, מז, עב, פו, צ, צא, צב, צג, קד, קיב, קיג כו' עד…
Also, is it necessary every time when saying Tehillim? If one didn't say Yehi Ratzon that day, can one still say Tehillim? Also when saying the whole Tehillim, does…
Yes. Sources: בכלל, יש מקילים בתהלים בת״ב, וכן מעשה רב לומר תהלים בשעת תפלת שחרית (לא שיעור היומי), אלא שלכתחילה דוחים שיעור היומי לאחרי חצות, וכמ״ש במג״א תקנד,…
In a case of a choleh she’yesh bo sakanah (someone who is critically ill), G-d forbid, one may be lenient and say Tehillim at night, especially if it’s after chatzos. See #498. …
Is a heter needed from a Rov for a scheduled C-section? If medically mandated, there is no need for a heter. Can a husband be in the room…
For example, if I say Yom Alef for one person from a group that finishes the Tehillim, and then I add another name for a different group that finishes…
Also, for someone in the process of conversion (and someone not Jewish) how would we say the name in Tehilim? Would we use the mother's name? Also, a Giyores…