Hatoras Nedorim for Extra Tehillim



I had been saying extra tehillim for yeshuos in my family. I said for a few years the entire book over the week as divided in 7. I had done the first year 5 times a month for the extra 5th as shabos mevarchim, the year after I dropped the 5th book as felt I didn’t have time with my starting to work. Now recently I had fallen ill and I fell behind about one month of my weekly extra entire sefer of tehillim. I believe everything was taken on bli neder, but the yeshous I hoped for haven’t occurred yet. so, I need to know if I need to matir neder this good minhag of extra tehilim. I was thinking to try to continue where I left off but unsure how my schedule will be…



You should be Matir Neder in front of 3 men, one of them should be fluent in the Halachos of Nedarim. Explaining to them that due to the circumstances you are unable to continue with this practice and if you would have known that you would be in this situation you would have not taken it on as a Neder (but not that you regret starting this practice altogether).

From now on your Tehilim should be said Bli-Neder by saying so verbally.



מנהג טוב – שו”ע יו”ד ריד, א. קיצור שו”ע סז, ז. נוסח התרת נדרים שבסידור.

חרטה – שו”ע שם ובסי’ רכח, א, ז. קיצור שו”ע שם, ח.

בלי נדר בדיבור – “שלא אמרתי בפירוש הנני עושה דבר זה בלי נדר” – נוסח התרת נדרים. שו”ע יו”ד רג, ד ובש”ך ס”ק ד. ועיין פתחי תשובה ס”ק א שם. ובשו”ע יו”ד רנז, ד.

וראה בארוכה אצלנו בקובץ אור ישראל אלול תש״ע.


