Is it permissible to say Tehillim on Friday night?



Is it permissible to say Tehillim on Friday night? I am part of a few Tehillim groups that specifically say the Tehillim after licht benching and I also usually start Shabbos Mevorchim Tehillim on Friday night as well.

I was recently told that it may not be good to say Tehillim Friday night and it’s the same as Tehillim during the week. I wanted to know if it’s okay. Thank you.



In practice, Friday night is treated the same as during the week. See here:

Can I say Tehillim on Friday night and Yom Tov?

One however may say it after candle lighting before Shkiah. There is also room to recite Tehillim even afterwards until nightfall, if one missed saying their daily Tehillim earlier.

Also, if you’re saying for people who are critically ill, it’s not an issue.

If someone would otherwise go idle and waste their time, it’s much better if they instead say Tehillim.


ראה בכ״ז במ״מ בהלכה יומית אות תצח.


