Question: I'm in the 12th month of Aveilus for my father hk"m, and there's nobody in shul that is missing both parents to say kaddish yosom, is it okay…
Question: I'm in the 12th month of Aveilus for my father hk"m, and there's nobody in shul that is missing both parents to say kaddish yosom, is it okay…
Question: Would the family of an Avel be allowed to organize a birthday party for him/her during his/her year of Aveilus? Answer: If he makes a siyum it…
Question: What is our minhag regarding having a meal or making a kiddush commemorating someone's shloshim? A member of our shul passed and the family wants to know if…
Question: My first cousin recently passed away. I am aware that I have no obligation to say Kaddish for him, but I have the question whether my saying Kaddish would…
Question: I am currently making the Matzeiva for a relative who passed away recently whose name was Baila bas Feivel. With regard to Baila: I know you've written in the past…
Halachically there is NO Aveilus on a grandparent. The Shulchan Aruch (Y”D 374, 6) writes that there is a custom of miktzas aveilus (some mourning) after other relatives such as a grandparent, but…
Please see here, the same rules would apply. May we have only Simchas! #3285
My grandfather's first Yartzeit is on Taanis Ester. Is it proper to visit the cemetery on Taanis Ester and then to make the Siyum / Yartzeit Seuda that night, which…
The following applies solely to a married woman, or to a girl who is of marriageable age: Yes, you may wax and color your hair. Pedicure is permitted in case…
Technically at any point until after shemona esrei. (He can start chazaras hashatz even though there was another chazzan who finished גאל ישראל out loud). Regarding if they switch…
During Shiva: Learn Chumash & Rambam Shower (Erev Shabbos) Go to Shul to say Kaddish During Shloshim: Gifts (gift card for a restaurant) Music - shloshim event Make…
Question: I work with someone who is in Aveilus and I would like to find out more about the appropriate way to greet them so as not to appear…
No. As it is an obligation on the children and one may not pay for an obligation with Masser. Sources: ראה שו"ע יו"ד שמה, ב. ובבית הלל שם…
He should do the Minhogim any day after the Yahrtzeit - the sooner the better. In addition, some are accustomed in such a case to commit oneself to say…
Question: If an elderly person is in a wheel chair and wants to go to her relatives kever, can we place wooden boards on top of the bottom of…
Question: 1. Is one allowed to use a hand washing station set up inside the walls of a cemetery that is more than 4 amos away from any kever?…
Question: A Yid I know will probably have his leg amputated (from above the knee and down). Does the leg need to be buried in a cemetery or can…
Question: Can a person in Aveilus within the Shloshim host or attend a Chanukah party? Does it make a difference before or after Shloshim? Answer: Throughout his time…
Answer: You may have music. The Aveilim R’”L should not pay attention to the music. Certainly, not to join any dancing. Yes, each one of the Aveilim should be…
Question: Is it permitted to buy used clothing from a thrift store or to get a donation of used clothing from someone? Is it allowed halachically to wear someone…