Question: I work in a yeshiva which not all the students are coming from religious backgrounds. Often students aren’t doing mitzvos because they don’t want to spend the money…
Question: I work in a yeshiva which not all the students are coming from religious backgrounds. Often students aren’t doing mitzvos because they don’t want to spend the money…
It depends. If this is tevilas ezra, and one is always particular about it, it supersedes the advantage of davening k’vasikin. However, the daily mikvah which chassidim do every…
האם יש ענין להחמיר לא לטבול במקוה בבוקר לפני שמתפנה בבית הכסא?
יש ענין בזה. מקורות: מדיני טומאה - ראה משנה מקוואות פ"ח מ"ד, חולין כד, ב. וכ״ה ברמב״ם אבוה״ט ה, ז לגבי בע״ק בבריא. וברמב״ם משמע שטמא בודאי ולא משום…
Question: On Shabbos morning, I went to Mikveh Meir, which requires you to pay before Shabbos for both Friday afternoon and Shabbos together. Normally that is what I do,…
The common custom is to keep the Mikva at regular temperature or close to that temperature (not to deter anyone from using it), but not to be in the…
Question: Due to the pandemic, is taking a shower before going into the Mikva during the nine days (for no other reason than to uphold the hygiene of the…
Questions: Shower: What is the din with regards to taking a shower on Shabbos? Does it make a difference if the shower is cold or hot (if the hot…
Question: I have a talmid, a chassidish bachur who has an issue with body odor. He perspires heavily and I spoke to him about this in a respectful manner.…
It is absolutely forbidden. See also: article #487: Can I let someone who forgot his card go through the turnstile with me? Though the immersion is still valid…
The is no official Chabad custom in this matter and various amounts are customary: 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, 7 times, 10 times, 13 times etc.…
To dry the hair lightly so it shouldn't be squeezing deliberately, you should also use a towel so that you don't mind it getting wet. Sources: סימן שכ"ו…
You can melt the snow in one area and toivel keilim there. When melting the snow it can't be done by adding hot water there but rather bring heat…
Question: I had a ingrown toenail the doctor bandaged it and said it cant get wet. Is there a point to cover it well and go to Mikvah or…
לפי ההלכה היבישה מותר. אבל ממדת חסידות יש להחליף הבגד - שו״ע אדה״ז עו, ד. על בשרו - עליו לרחוץ המקום אם נתייבשה לפני התפלה. אבל אם לחה היא…
Each one has an advantage over the other. One must ensure the bathtub is a complete shiur. At least, 332 liter. Others argue that it needs to be more…
שאלה: שמעתי אומרים שאמבטי' ביתית שהנקב שלה קוטרו לכל הפחות 4.8 ס"מ דינו כקרקע (וממילא אם הוא מחזיק 40 סאה יוכשר לטבילת עזרא). האם כנים הדברים? וא"כ רציתי לשאול…
יש בזה מה שאין בזה. ולמעשה, בנהר עדיף כשאינו מכזב לעולם. דיון: יש מכשירים זוחלין בטבילת עזרא. וכש״כ משום תוספת טהרה. וי״א דאדרבה טבי״ע קיל טפי. אבל רוה״פ…
Shabbos you may add hot water even from a kli rishon as it will not be able to cook the water. You may add hot water on yom tov…
It’s not allowed, however if you use a pot or pail to do tisha kabin, then you can add hot water that you boiled on yom tov to drink…
One may take a cold shower on shabbos for the purpose of 9 Kabin or Tosefes Tahara. One must ensure that he is not violating the issur of sechita…