There’s no problem with it whatsoever. Sources: לא רק מצד פקו״נ, שבלא״ה אין שום איסור בהנאה. ואין חשש טמטום וכו׳, כיון שאי״ב סרך איסור בהנאה. ועד כאן לא…
There’s no problem with it whatsoever. Sources: לא רק מצד פקו״נ, שבלא״ה אין שום איסור בהנאה. ואין חשש טמטום וכו׳, כיון שאי״ב סרך איסור בהנאה. ועד כאן לא…
(i.e. for someone who has BH until now had smooth natural births but still has fear of the pain in childbirth) Answer: There is no halachic objection to…
Question: If someone is in the hospital hooked up to a catheter, does he make an asher yatzar after each time he urinates? Does he need to wash his…
Question: Is there anything halachically wrong with hypnosis? Specifically doing it to yourself with audio guides. There are classes that teach women to hypnotize themselves to reduce pain in…
The position of the Badatz is to follow medical experts in this matter. See here: Badatz letter from 28 Elul 5781 - Free translation Timely Inspirational Messages about…
Question: Hi Rabbi Braun, I would like to try a method called “The Emotion Code” by Bradly (Brad) Nelson to try to figure out what’s bothering me and the…
Question: The following question, in itself, is not a Halachic question per se. However, the issue has very practical ramifications, and thus I am seeking guidance as to the…
Question: I recall reading in Igros Kodesh that the Rebbe instructs not to take a baby under 1 year overseas. Question: Is the issue only to go overseas (plane),…
It is always preferable to visit a doctor of the same gender (if that doctor is equally experienced etc.) A visit to a doctor of the opposite gender is…
It’s a big mitzvah but not obligatory. See the references in Halacha2Go #612 and #735. #2466(b)
A removed kidney does not make a kohen a baal mum and his avodah is kosher. Additional point: There is a separate discussion in Poskim if one should pursue…
When it comes to counting someone with mental special needs (autism, down syndrome, etc.) for a Minyan, it all depends on the specific individual’s level of understanding and comprehension.…
No. But you should say the following phrase before receiving the vaccine: יהי רצון שיהיה לי לרפואה ראה בארוכה בשאלה 1642: #12735
Question: If someone had an uncontrollable infection, to the point of almost dying and actually saying Vidui twice and now is infection free (although there is no saying it…
Question: My kids have a difficult time falling asleep and take melatonin (in a liquid form) every night for this. May I give it to them on Shabbos? …
Yes, even though he might eventually enter a situation of pikuach nefesh and will have to come in contact with a dead body. If other hatzalah members which are…
Question: I received a message on my WhatsApp from... explaining why the COVID vaccine is not to be used. I am definitely hesitant about taking it. I am curious…
It really depends on so many factors: The level of necessity for the medication; is this medication halachically mandated; what “ directly utilizes aborted children” means; will not taking…
After confirming by a Doctor -you are close to- that it is safe, you may do it if its to prevent aggravation or pain, whether physical or emotional, but…
Question: I was recommended to do martial arts for good fitness and focus, with the bonus of some self defense techniques. Is this allowed? They claim to be Pareve…