Question: Is chicken considered something which is eaten with a fork? (and therefore if it is wet you still do not need to wash your hands for it)? My…
Question: Is chicken considered something which is eaten with a fork? (and therefore if it is wet you still do not need to wash your hands for it)? My…
Nowadays the Bracha on hearts of palm is usually Ha'adama. Sources: ראה שו״ע ורמ״א או״ח רד, א שעל הקורא - הרך של דקל - מברכים שהכל, דלא נטעו…
The Bracha on Bamba is Shehakol. The Bracha of popcorn is Ha’adama. Sources & Explanation: ראה שוע״ר סי׳ ר״ב סי״ז, סדר ברה״נ פ״ז כב. Some have argued that…
Poskim do bring that one should make an effort to use kemach yafa (white flour) when baking challahs, in order to honor Shabbos. It is OK to use whole…
Yes. Assuming that the dough is a Hamotzi dough and not a Mezonos dough. Being that that dough is there to impart flavor, and it’s satisfying to the pallet,…
One should recite the Bracha of "Hagomel" when he has the opportunity to be in front of minyan even after a long period. One should not delay to recite…
No. ראה שו״ת הלק״ט קכב. שו״ת לב חיים ג, לג. ובהערת המגי׳: איך שייך לברך זמן דמלבד דאין לבו שמח אדרבה יתעורר דאגתו בכל יום תמיד יותר ויותר…
The Bracha can be recited upon seeing any “fruit bearing tree” that is blossoming. The fact that most people would not eat these fruits (for safety reasons) does not…
You should L'chatchila make a Bracha Achrona after each cup, and Bracha Rishona on the next cup. Sources: ראה שו"ע אדה"ז קפד, ג שיש "מצריכים לברך מיד באכילה…
As it’s unpopular to eat this way, the Brocho is Shehakol. If it’s chocolate covered, it’s questionable which is the primary ingredient. Therefore, make Haeitz on a fruit and…
The basic laws of Birchas Hailanos (the blessing over blossoming fruit trees) are summarized below: Someone* who goes outdoors during the month of Nissan (this law is applicable only…
It is kosher for netilas yodayim. סדר נט״י לסעודה בסידור אדה״ז סעי' יב ש"בפגימות קטנות אין לחוש". וה״ה בדדים קטנים. וראה גם שו״ע אדה״ז קנט, ד. …
The halacha is that Shehecheyanu is recited upon building or purchasing a home. If one has loans to pay due to the purchase, there is a dispute whether to…
Yes, Shehakol nih’yah bidvaro. Sources: Brachos 36a. Shulchan Aruch and Alter Rebbe's Shulchon Aruch O.C. 204:1; Seder Birchas Hanehenin 7:1. #6383
1. Even if there is no meat in a soup but it was cooked with meat, the taste of the meat overrides the taste of the vegetables and the…
Question: On Shabbos when we wash hands for Hamotzi, do we need to say the Bracha Hamotzi or just say Amen to Baal Habayis? Do we have to say…
Birkas Hagomel is made when there is a chance of Sakana. If the deer crashed into the car and there is a chance of Sakana C"V to life, then…
There are several opinions among the Poskim regarding this matter. Generally, the Brocha is recited upon seeing a ruler who has power over life and death. Many Poskim maintain that…
Question: Can a woman recite Birchas Hagomel (on Shabbos) from the women’s section? Or at the Torah? Answer: It is permissible to do so from the women’s gallery…
Say it now. Sources: סדר ברכת הנהנין פי"ג ה"ה: "ואם איחר מלברך יש לו תשלומין כל זמן שירצה ונכון שלא לאחר ג' ימים". וראה בברכת הבית שער כז…