Question: I am a single girl, and I rent an apartment in crown Heights during the year. Due to the pandemic, I went home from March 19th - the…
Question: I am a single girl, and I rent an apartment in crown Heights during the year. Due to the pandemic, I went home from March 19th - the…
Question: Is one to refrain from having marital relations on Shabbos during these times of self-isolation where there is no mikvah available for the next morning and a shower…
כתיבת סת”ם בזמן הסגר
שאלה: ב"ה לכב' הרה"ח רי"י ברוין שי' רב שכונת המלך שלום וברכה! לאחדשה"ט, אבקש לפנות אליך בעניין שמאוד מטרידני לאחרונה ולא מצאתי מי שיכנס לעובי הקורה לפסוק דבר ברור בזה. בעת הזאת, עת המגפה ר"ל שכבר רבים חללים הפילה ואין איתנו יודע עד מתי, הרבה מהמקוואות לגברים סגורים (בחו"ל) וגם במקומות שנפתחו הינם…
Question: The governor of New York just released a new mask mandate. The rule is that businesses and venues (which presumably includes shuls) must implement a mask requirement or…
Question: Many people feel that well-meaning Rabonim who get advice from well-meaning doctors are getting incorrect information with regards to the safety of the Covid vaccines. Is it possible…
Question: Recently an audio clip started making its rounds where someone quotes Rabbonim as saying that the covid vaccine has been causing issues for women with spotting and not…
Question: A man died in another country of natural causes. The caregiver had the body cremated (due to issues of cross-border transportation during these times). This man had previously…
Question: in the time of Moshiach, we will have a whole new/old set of halachos to adhere to; the laws of taharah. As far as I understand this involves…
Question: I know we can't do Kabbalos Shabbos on Zoom, as that's when we actually accept upon ourselves Shabbos. My question is: Can I do a Zoom singing session…
The position of the Badatz is to follow medical experts in this matter. See here: Badatz letter from 28 Elul 5781 - Free translation Timely Inspirational Messages about…
Question: Before Corona when my kids weren't home I would try my best to daven and say Chitas every day. Now with my kids home and less time available,…
שאלה: האם מותר לארגן מנין ככה שיש רוב מנין בשתי חצרות גדולות, (ואין רואים אלו שבחצר זה את אלו שבאחרת), ומצורפים ע"י חזן שעומד על המפתן ויש שמצטרפים ומשלימים…
There is an obligation to answer Amen whenever one hears any Beracha. You do not need to stop to listen to chazoras hashatz when walking outside, but if you…
Question: Unfortunately, the camp my son planned to attend will not open this summer due to Corona. We already paid a little upon registration. The camp offered to return…
Question: Many hospitals and nursing homes require that temperature be taken from each visitor when they enter. One of their staff members takes the temperature with a digital thermometer…
Question: I am in quarantine as I was exposed to Covid-19 in my class. I live in Crown Heights and I did not know what to do for Tashlich…
Question: Due to the pandemic, is taking a shower before going into the Mikva during the nine days (for no other reason than to uphold the hygiene of the…
Question: I have internet at home and my friends also do have social media. Some have the TAG filter on their devices and some not. (We don’t need it…
Full Question: Recently in NJ, the government began a free lunch program for kids 18 and under. Over the past couple of weeks, my parents have been making use…
Question: I'd like to wear a mask to shul on Shabbos, but I'd rather not walk around outside in it because it's stuffy. Can I adjust the mask downwards…