Question: Is pulling your pants up together with your underwear when standing up from the toilet considered putting on two pieces of clothing at once, and if not, what…
Question: Is pulling your pants up together with your underwear when standing up from the toilet considered putting on two pieces of clothing at once, and if not, what…
Question: If I'm in a place where the only private location that I feel comfortable pumping breast milk is in the bathroom, may the milk be eaten by my…
It should not be done in the bathroom. Sources: שקו״ט בכלל בקיום מצוה במקום מטונף. ואף שמצות ציצית גופא מקיים במרחץ - נדו״ד שהוא בדרך התעסקות גרע טפי.…
האם מותר לחשב וסתות במקומות המטונפים. כי החישוב הוא ‘טכני’.
לא. מקורות: אף שהדעת נוטה שאי״ז כהרהור בד״ת ממש - יש להחמיר בזה, שהרי אמרו באבות שקינין ופתחי נדה הן הן גופי הלכות תקופות וגמטריאות פרפראות לחכמה. ובפירוש…
Question: I had a big surgery leaving me without a number of organs; my pelvis is empty as far as I know. Someone said that because my urine now…
According to most poskim, there is no time limitation. One should ideally say it right away. One should at least not push it off beyond half an hour, or…
Question: I've noticed in some seforim that it's fine to daven if you close the bathroom door. Now I understand that the walls should not be a problem since…
Question: Can you give some clarity regarding the Halacha of when is davening and needs to use the bathroom, does one stop davening or does one hold it in…
Question: I forgot about not having relations after leaving the bathroom for 12 minutes. Is there a problem of after the fact? Does המשמש... הוין בנים נכפים apply today?…
Question: When one wakes up in middle of the night to use the bathroom and then is planning to go straight back to bed without saying Berochos, should he…
1) Is there any problem with saying Baruch Hashem in the mikvah? Because I see many that say in abbreviation in English letters - B.H. Yes, this is a…
Question: Sometimes I come out of the bathroom and after washing three times on each hand, there are no paper towels to dry my hands with. Is there an…
אם נגעו בטעות במים שבנטלה לפני הנטילה (אחרי שירותים) האם צריך למלא מים חדשים?
לא צריך. והרוצה להחמיר יחמיר. מקורות: ראה שו״ע אדה״ז קס, ו שלא נעשו שופכין בנגיעה בטעות. (וגם בנגע בכוונה לנקות ידיו - היינו רק במים שבחפניו ולא במים…
Q: Is it permitted to enter a bathroom while wearing a necklace or bracelet that has the Rebbe's dime on it? A: It should be covered when entering the…
Question: How far does one have to check after the bathroom to be concerned about these issues brought in shulchan Aruch? For some, being overly concerned can at times…
Question: My question is if I need to use the bathroom, but I can hold myself in - is that considered a Guf Naki or not? The above…
Question: We wish to build a wall in our bathroom, between the toilet and sink. What is the minimum height that wall can be, in order that the sink…
Question: Sometimes kids decorate Negel Vasser sets with their names on it. Many people store their Negel Vasser sets in the bathroom. Is it a problem bringing the set…
Question: Do the halachas of a bathroom, such as using the water for Negel Vassar, or drinking the water etc. apply to a new, fully renovated bathroom that has…
Question: If someone is in the hospital hooked up to a catheter, does he make an asher yatzar after each time he urinates? Does he need to wash his…