Using the Restroom During Davening



Can you give some clarity regarding the Halacha of when is davening and needs to use the bathroom, does one stop davening or does one hold it in and continue?




  • Before Shmoneh Esrei – including during Birchas Krias Shma and Krias Shma – one has a choice to stop and go to the bathroom or hold it in and continue, as long as he doesn’t have such an urge that it is Bal Teshaktzu, which in that case he must stop and go to the bathroom.
  • During Shmoneh Esrei – Even when he has such an urge that it is Bal Teshaktzu, he should hold it in and continue. Even if he cannot hold himself in and it starts to drip, he should wait for it to stop and continue (unless it’s a lot and it would be embarrassing, in which case he may go elsewhere to release it).


  • Before Shmoneh Esrei – From Boruch Sheamar and on, he should hold himself in until after Smoneh Esrei. This is only if he doesn’t have such an urge that it is Bal Teshaktzu which in that case he must stop and go to the bathroom.
  • During Shmoneh Esrei – Even when he has such an urge that it is Bal Teshaktzu, he should hold it in and continue, provided he didn’t have the urge before davening. (If he had the urge before davening and he still davened, he doesn’t fulfill his obligation and must daven again). If he cannot hold himself in, he should stop and go to the bathroom.


See also here:

בל תשקצו באמצע קריאת שמע ותפילה




Comments (2)

  • S. August 29, 2023 - 8 months ago

    If one had to go in Davening, when does one say Asher Yatzar?

    • AskTheRav August 29, 2023 - 8 months ago

      After the Amida.

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