Question: If a frum Jew with a beard rents a house for a fixed time (6 months) and the house has a xmas wreath on the front door and…
Question: If a frum Jew with a beard rents a house for a fixed time (6 months) and the house has a xmas wreath on the front door and…
Ha'eitz. Sources: ראה שו''ע או''ח סי' ר''ג ובמג''א שם ס''ק א', ובאדה''ז שם, ובסדר ברה''נ פרק ו', לאפוקי מהסוברים שברכתו האדמה ע''פ החיי אדם כלל נ''א והמשנ''ב סי'…
If so, should the person say/respond with amen? Answers: 1. A bracha can be given in writing or verbally. Each one has its own special power. One should…
Question: If one should be careful to not have urine on his clothing in order to learn Torah and make brachos, etc., how careful does one have to be…
Question: Is it only a specific body of water? What would be the geder? Or is it really only a water-carrier? And what exactly should be said? Answer:…
The company matches donor organs to recipients etc. Answer: Yes you may. Sources: בהקדם, שאינו אפילו מושיט בחד עברי דנהרא, שבכל הדוגמאות מעביר חפץ וכדומה, וכאן רק…
הדרך הנכון לשער כזית פת
שאלה: בשיעורי תורה (סימן ג', ס"ח) מכריע הגרא"ח נאה שיש לדחוס את הלחם על מנת לשער כזית, והוא מגיע שהמשקל הסגולי של הלחם (כשהוא דחוס), שווה לזה של המים,…
Question: When learning shechita, shochtim must learn to hold and properly shecht the animal or bird. The first few cannot be eaten due to kashrus issues. Is it Mutar…
There is no halachic objection to buying German products. However there’s certainly nothing wrong with people who wish to avoid doing so based on history. Sources: אג״ק באנגלית…
Question: I remember learning somewhere in Gemara that one should not publicize Aveiros bein adam lamakom but one should publicize Aveiros bein adam lachaveiro. Is this halacha lemaaseh? If…
Q. When is the last time to make a Chanuka Habayis. Can one do it a year after move-in date? A. If it has not been done yet it should…
You should still get rid of them. Moving them won’t necessarily help, see below in the references. However if mistakenly a nail fell and you can’t find it you…
- I'm understanding that he forgot by mistake because he gave out 50 checks and only mine wasn't signed. Answer: No. This is also illegal. ראה וישמע…
The Gemarah in various places teaches us that it is not proper to step/jump over another Jew in order to get to one’s place, as it is considered treating…
Question: When one says Hashem’s name by mistake during Tehillim or davening (specifically by Shemoneh Esrei), does one say ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד right then or after…
Question: I recently read in shaila #4427 'As in any other stringency, one should consider first if this stringency suits them, whether it won’t cause other leniencies, etc.' I am unable…
Question: Regarding the topic of fasting a certain number of fasts for every sin, as mentioned in Iggeres Hateshuva - Do we still hold by this as a practical…
Yes. Sources: ככל שאר תשמישי קדושה שנהגו בהם כך. ועכצ״ל שלב בי״ד מתנה כיון שמעיקרא נהגו כך. וגם מראה אי״ב משום מעילה. ודמיא להיכל שלתוכו עשוי - ראה…
Yes. Is there something that could be done to make it patur from a mezuza? If it's sealed and the seal needs to be broken to reopen it…
Question: I have a cart full of stuff that I don't need, yet may be useful to other people. However it is difficult to get the word out, I…