Nowadays it’s usually better for them to learn Gemara. Wherever possible, they should choose a Mesachta which deals with relevant halachos for women. See also: Rebbe's View…
Nowadays it’s usually better for them to learn Gemara. Wherever possible, they should choose a Mesachta which deals with relevant halachos for women. See also: Rebbe's View…
Question: Is one allowed to prepare the laining by night, since it is Torah shebichsav which is generally not learned by night? Answer: One should originally make sure…
Question: Someone told me that he heard from a bochur a baal dikduk that whenever there is a yud after a chyrik - that chyrik is pronounced like the…
Yes. Here are some sources for your perusal: שיחת י״ב תמוז תשכ״ז. שיחת שמחת בית השואבה תשי״ז. ספר המאמרים תרפג ע׳ קכה. ספר המאמרים תש״ט ע׳ 54. See also…
No, though it would be ideal to include them too. Sources: ראה שיחת יט״כ תשי״ד לגבי חלוקת הש״ס: כל הש״ס ל״ו מסכתות שיש עליהן גמרא, ומה טוב גם…
אופן לימוד א-ב לתינוקות של בית רבן על פי המסורה
אנחנו צוות מורות בגן, ויש לנו שאלה יסודית באופן לימוד א״ב. שאלה: האם יש חסרון בלימוד א״ב לתשב"ר ללמד להם צלילי האותיות, כי שמענו שיש טוענים שבהתוועדויות תשמ"ב ח"ד…
Question Continued: If yes, may I begin putting away Ma'aser money now before I need to pay tuition so that when the time comes, I will have the money…
The difference would be whether I can learn out loud while Nigunim playing in the ears? Answer: Both. Sources: הל׳ ת״ת לאדה״ז פ״ב הל׳ י״ב. ובנוגע השמעה…
Question: I sometimes learn while sitting on my couch which is located near a bathroom. Sometimes the bathroom door is left open. Is it a problem to learn when…
The custom is not to say it. If saying it, it should be said with shem u’malchus. Sources: כבר העירו במה שלא נהגו לאומרו - ראה פתיחת התויו״ט…
Question: Is it acceptable to think words of Torah if you or someone else passed gas and there is an odor? If one is not sure if there is…
Question: I teach in a Chabad high school. Students complain that I don't allow eating and chewing gum in class, and other teachers do. They claim it helps them…
Question: This year I was given a non-Jewish assistant in my classroom. Is she allowed to check kids when they read alef-beis? She won't be teaching alef-bais to the…
Q. #1: Is it a mitzvah to learn Lashon HaKodesh for the purpose of learning Torah? Is it a mitzvah to teach our sons Lashon HaKodesh for the purpose…
Digital water meters, which monitor and record water usage electronically, have become prevalent lately. Does this pose a problem on Shabbos, since it would seem that a digital form…
Question: I know that when it comes to the hakdama (introduction) of the Rambam we don't use the Rambam Le'am edition for the daily shiur. My question is about…
The recorded custom is to learn chapters of Mishnayos that correspond to the name and the Mishnayos of the word Neshama. There are nowadays English translations and audio lectures available for those who don’t…
Question: What Kitzur Shulchan Aruch-style sefer or seforim would be the most accurate for a Lubavitcher to learn for halacha l'maaseh? The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch with the Alter Rebbe's…
Question: Is it ok for one to learn (תניא בע"פ...) in a Waterpark if he's wearing a yarmulka and tzitzis (there are other children/adults (men) that are wearing only…
If you are just reading with your eyes without saying the words there is no problem. To say the words is problematic. If it’s possible to turn away (not…