שאלה: בתמונה נראה מסגרת של סוכה העומדת כל השנה. ויש בה בה צורת הפתח שנוצר מהעמודים. ומשמש גם בכפתח בסוכות. והשאלה היא חייבת היא במזוזה שהרי אולי יש לדמותו…
שאלה: בתמונה נראה מסגרת של סוכה העומדת כל השנה. ויש בה בה צורת הפתח שנוצר מהעמודים. ומשמש גם בכפתח בסוכות. והשאלה היא חייבת היא במזוזה שהרי אולי יש לדמותו…
It is usually OK Lchatchillah. Some suggest having the walls reach the schach as not everyone is expert in these matters. Sources: ראה ערוה״ש תרל, כא: וגם יזהר…
It is permissible if you don’t intend for the water to cause it to grow, under either of the following conditions: The water Isn’t spilled directly on the plants…
You may if your intention is for space or comfortable weather. Sources: לא מצינו בפוסקים שיזהירו מזה. וגם במט״א תרכה באלף למטה עב כתב רק בכה״ג שקיבל עליו…
Question: I have a flight on Chol Hamoed to come to the Rebbe for Simchas Torah. Is there any reason not to eat on the flight? (I was thinking…
Some details that might be of importance: It has not been built yet. This is for someone who wants to construct one now. They need basic kashrus, no extra…
Some have a custom to decorate the Sukkah with wine, olive oil and flour as per the sources below. Olive oil also is associated with the upcoming mitzvah of…
Full Question: I learned what the Alter Rebbe writes about the Sukka: "One can fulfill his obligation [to dwell in a sukkah] only with a sukkah that is made…
Yes, you would be able to use it on Shabbos and Yom Tov as long as that it doesn't activate any lights or sensors. However, doing this would require…
Question: We didn't take our Sukkah walls down this year (at first it was just delayed, then we decided there was no need), and I wanted to know if…
This overhang from the wall of the house is on a higher level than the Sukkah. I am aware of dofen akuma in this case and the over hang…
Not all pop-up Sukkahs are made the same. Here are some important points to be aware of when planning to use one: In general, it is inadvisable to use…
Question: If I have walls of a Sukkah that are just above 10 Tefachim- (there's a big gap from them until the Scach) - how much of a gap…
Question: Hi, a Gut Moed. My wife is on a medical diet and all she can eat is meat and certain vegetables. On what can she make a Leshev…
If one is returning to the same Sukkah that he made the Bracha in that day, then he would only make another Bracha in one of 2 cases: 1. If…
One is allowed to sweep a tiled or cemented floor house, however, one may not sweep earthen floors. Likewise, one may not sweep a Sukkah which has an earthen floor.…
In addition to sitting in the Sukkah during Sukkos, there is a Mitzvah to actually build the Sukkah (see references in Likkutei Sichos vol. 17 pg 188 Ha'arah 56).…
Question: If I am in a place where there is no Sukkah for a long time until I get to a place with one, can I drink or have…
The Sukkah needs to be directly under the sky without anything intervening between it. Trees may not hang over the Schach of the Sukkah regardless of its height. The…
You are allowed to build a Sukkah on top of a trailer. However, you should be aware of the following: 1. The walls and Schach are sturdy and will…