According to Halacha, there is no need to cover. However some bring in the name of the Shaloh that one should be strict with uncovered water. Sources: בכללות…
According to Halacha, there is no need to cover. However some bring in the name of the Shaloh that one should be strict with uncovered water. Sources: בכללות…
You have to make sure your hands are dry when washing them in the morning with a Bracha and when you wash for Hamotzie. All other times you don't…
No. But you must wash (by a sink etc.) with a Bracha after you get up and are ready to make the Bracha, as usual. See here: …
Question: I'm teaching my 4th-grade students the Halachos of washing 2nd Negel Vaser. Do the hands have to be dried before reciting the Bracha על נטילת ידים, or can…
Article #256 When Negel Vasser Isn't Available The Zohar says one should not walk four amos upon awakening without having washed negel vasser (the ritual washing of the hands upon awakening).…
Questions: Is it only leather shoes? Does one wash their hands only if in the middle of davening or learning? Is it preferable to wash negel vasser or just…
Question: Can I say Hamapil after taking off my socks? (I may have touched my feet), or must I get out of bed and wash Negel Vaser first to…
Question: My parents are not frum and help us cook and with the kids. Is there a hakpada in halacha to make them wash Negel Vasser before they serve…
We are required to wash our hands upon awakening in order to remove forces of impurity that cleave to our bodies during sleep, as well as in order to…
One may touch their hair that is not usually covered, and need not wash their hands afterwards, unless one scratched their head within the hair on the scalp. …
Negel Vaaser shouldn’t be washed over dishes unless one is certain they will be rinsed afterwards. ראה הליכות שלמה תפלה כ הע׳ יא. אשי ישראל ב הע׳ עב. See…
One may use a drinking cup for Mayim Acharonim. The same is for washing for bread. However, if the cup was used for Mayim Acharonim it should be rinsed…
Question: I awoke at about 4am to use the restroom, to my shock and dismay, no qvart was waiting in the shissel by my bed, I thought that my…
Regarding Negel Vasser: He should wash the other hand and whatever possible on the wounded hand (at least the fingers if possible). חמור נטילה זו מנטילה לסעודה, וכדברי אדה"ז…
Yes you say על נטילת ידים even though you wash only one hand. Sources: חיי״א מ, יח. שו''ת זבחי צדק ח''ב בסופו או''ח סי' יג, ושו''ת רב פעלים…
Question: If someone sleeps on the top bunk bed, how should he go about washing negel vasser in the morning? Can he wash after he takes the few steps…
Full Question: I read on AskTheRav that the Alter Rebbe says that since the Bris one who doesn't allow your baby to touch food without Negel Vasser is considered…
Is it necessary for a mother who wakes during the night but does not get out of bed to wash Negel Vasser before touching her child? Please see…
A nursing mother with a young baby may wake up multiple times during the night to feed her baby. Must she wash Negel Vasser (the alternating right/left-hand ritual washing upon waking)…
מותר לגעת בבקבוק מים. [להעיר אשר בכלל, אפשר למלא נטלה כבר בתחילת הלילה]. מקורות: בגמרא שבת קט, רע״א: יד לגיגית תיקצץ. ולב״י היינו משום משמוש ידים, כפי׳ ב בפירש״י…