Question: Is it a rule that we do not make a שהחיינו on vegetables (for example a fresh tomato)? If yes what is the גדר of vegetables in this…
Question: Is it a rule that we do not make a שהחיינו on vegetables (for example a fresh tomato)? If yes what is the גדר of vegetables in this…
Article: A Brachah on Rivers The brachah of Oseh ma’aseh bereishis (thanking Hashem for the wonders of creation) should be recited when we see a large river that has been around…
Question Continued: If not - why? Can you tell others about it later on, when it’s not there anymore? Answer: There are different opinions and customs about this.…
Question: If I'm eating chicken, vegetables and rice and I made on the chicken a שהכל can I eat the rice relying on the שהכל I made on the…
Question: If I only wash on Shabbos and I’m not sure if I said retzei, do I have to repeat bentching? (Because my usual bentching is with retzei, is…
Question: Are raisins considered a Beryah, that one would have to abstain from eating them or eat more than a Kezayis in the right amount of time, in order…
Making A Brachah Acharonah when Eating Less than a Kezayis The minimum amount of food that requires a brachah acharonah, an after-blessing, to be said after eating it, is a kezayis,…
My questions are: 1) Once I finished the meal, do I still need to bentch since I didn’t eat a כזית of bread? 2) Would I need to eat…
Answer: He can say it after kaddish or after the haftorah. Sources: ברוח חיים פלאגי קמד, ג כתב לומר אחר ברכה״ת לפני הפטרה. וראה מה שהעיר על דבריו…
Birchas Hamazon must be said seated and in one succession. Some say it is a biblical obligation to say it in one succession. One must also say Birchas Hamazon…
Shehakol, since it’s primary usage is as a spice, not plain. #19182
In theory, it’s a safek mezonos or haadama and therefore only be eaten in a meal. (Eating a mezonos and haadama food won’t help for the bracha acharona when eating…
The rule of not holding the food in one hand and tearing off a piece with the other hand applies only to food which is on a plate. Food…
Yes. Sources: פשוט כיון שיש לו שמחה באכילתו, ועדיף מב׳ מינים דומים, ששמחה בפ״ע היא, ויש לו טעם אחר לגמרי. ול״ד לתירוש ויין, שהכל כלול בשמחה הראשונה, משא״כ…
Question: When I finish eating an instant noodle soup and now there is mostly water (but still a few noodles), do I have to make a shehakol on the…
Question: Should we make Bracha Shehechiyanu when eating carobs? There is a note from rabbi Hodakov: אור לט"ו שבט, ה'תשח"י ברוקלין, נ.י. שאלתי את כ"ק אד"ש אם יש לברך…
האם נכון לברך בורא פרי העץ ואח”כ שהחיינו?
שאלה: בוידיאו מט׳ שבט תש״ל במעמד הסיום לקבלת פני משיח צדקנו רואים ושומעים שהרבי לוקח פרי חדש בידו ואומר שהחיינו ואוכל. ונמצא שמעשה רב לברך בורא פרי העץ תחילה…
Questions: Do I need to wash Netilas Yadayim in the following cases: A) Washed any fruit and dried it. B) Didn't dry it but using a fork to eat…
Question: Is it a problem to drink water while eating fish or right after eating fish without eating or drinking something in between? Answer: Some are particular about…
It applies to other drinks as well. However, it does not apply to water and the like, which you drink to quench your thirst. קיצור שו"ע מב, ב.…