If the milk was or hotter - you should Kasher it. In this case, Kashering can be done by cleaning the urn well, waiting 24 hours, and pouring boiling…
If the milk was or hotter - you should Kasher it. In this case, Kashering can be done by cleaning the urn well, waiting 24 hours, and pouring boiling…
After 24 hours - the toaster oven should be thoroughly cleaned and put on the highest setting for an hour. Sources: ע״פ שיטת אדמו''ר הזקן באו"ח סי' תנ"א…
If it's a Kli that's able to be kashered (see attached) you can pour boiling hot water over it or do full hagala. For Keilim that can't usually be…
Answer: If the spatula was only used when the onions were already mostly fried (and lost their sharpness) you can be lenient, and only Kasher the spatula and the…
Question: Is a knife that someone used as if he's going to stab someone else become trief? And how do I kasher it? I was told that the knife…
Question: We just moved into a new apartment. On top of the oven there is like a chimney, which is pretty dirty from the previous user, (and it seems…
Question: I'd like to kasher my oven from Fleishigs to Pareve. This oven only has a steam clean feature where you pour water into the oven and it burns…
Question: I used a (clean) milchig spoon to stir hot tea in a fleishig mug. The tea, however, was pareve. Is the spoon now okay to use? Answer:…
Article: Play-by-Play: The Case of the Non-Kosher Oven Scene: A newly married couple in their tiny kitchen on their first day of “real life.” She: We have a problem.…
It permissible to roast in an electric oven with the following conditions (there are those that are stringent and necessitate that roasting be done on an actual flame). Preheat…
If it’s not glass or ceramic it can be kashered. Clean and do not use for 24 hours, leave on highest setting for half an hour, then cover with…
New (without a Hechsher): There is no Halachic problem with new Teflon pots. Some, however, have a Hiddur to avoid using new Teflon pots for Pesach. Some even avoid…
An oven may be Kashered by turning on the self-clean for a full cycle. When Kashering from Milchig to Fleishig one may Kasher even by leaving the oven on…
Electric burners with a glass stovetop are different than gas burners in that the glass will also need to be Kashered. Due to the extremely technical and halachic difficulties,…
The plate should be thrown out, since corelle cannot be Kashered. In desperate situations, where one’s financial situation is tight, and throwing it out is a significant loss, there…
Kashering a sink: Which sinks can be Kashered: Only a metal/stainless steel sink can be koshered. porcelain and enamel sinks cannot be Kashered. Preparing the sink: Wait 24…
Kashering a countertop: Granite countertops: Preparing the countertop: The countertop must be thoroughly cleaned. if any dirt is on the countertop it cannot be Koshered (generally speaking). A mere discoloration…
A. The standard approach is to be stringent and not Kasher a dishwasher due to the various concerns, primarily because it is not likely that the hot water cycle…
The Keilim may be bought but must first be kashered. Food cooked in these Keilim are forbidden. טעמים ומקורות: ראה מג״א שיח, א. פמ״ג בא״א. תהל״ד א. ובאו״א -…
This requires a Libbun Gamur. This can be accomplished by putting it into his self clean oven for a complete cycle. #4066