Question: When passing tzitzis over the eyes during Baruch She'amar and Shema, how is one to actually pass the tzitzis over the eyes? Must he merely look at them…
Question: When passing tzitzis over the eyes during Baruch She'amar and Shema, how is one to actually pass the tzitzis over the eyes? Must he merely look at them…
Answer: No, Krias Shma should be said first. One should not say Krias Shma before Mishyakir unless they are in a pressing situation. But it is not right to…
The common custom is to say it with the eyes uncovered. Certainly , if due to kavanah it’s easier to say it with the eyes uncovered, one should indeed…
Yes, if it is the same Berocho as the one you just finished. There is no difference in this case if it is a child, providing he is actually…
When waking a friend for Shema in the morning and he would not be willing to say Berochos before Shema. Should I wake him up and tell him to…
During the actual brochos of boruch sheomar and yishtabach as well as during birchos krias shema - one should continue davening in the tune of shema (some say to…
The common custom is that they use their right hand. Nonetheless, there are strong arguments in favor of using the left hand. Sources: עוד יוסף חי (להבן איש…
Question: I have noticed that pores al shma (or just a short kedusha) is not usually done in Lubavitch shuls. Is this the official Chabad minhag or should it…
One may not eat before Davening. However, if one is hungry and not eating can disturb their concentration during Davening, it’s permissible to eat. The Rebbeim encouraged eating to…
שאלות: א. לשון רבנו בשו"ע (צב, ב) בתפילה הוא "אם יכול להעמיד יעמיד" אבל לקריאת שמע וברכותיה כותב "צריך להעמיד", האם יש חילוק לדינא? ב. לענין להפסיק לגדולים באמצע…
Question: Ideally, what is the earliest time one can do Tallis, Tefilin, Shema and Shacharis - all of these from Misheyakir? Bedieved, for example someone who starts work really…
This Shema is not like Shema during davening and one may be mafsik for a tzorech of any dvar mitzvah or mipnei hakovod, even in the middle of a…