Answer: You should not stop them from performing a Mitzvah Medoreiso because of a possibility that there would be someone not tznius. You may ask them to turn around…
Answer: You should not stop them from performing a Mitzvah Medoreiso because of a possibility that there would be someone not tznius. You may ask them to turn around…
לא. ויש מחמירים להצריך עמידה. ולמעשה, כן המנהג. אבל בברכת על נט״י צ״ל בעמידה מן הדין. מקורות: קייל״ן שברכת המצוות צ״ל בעמידה. וכ״פ אדה״ז סי ח, ג, והיינו…
שאלה: ראיתי למי שכתב (שו"ת שבט הלוי ועוד) בענין מי שהתחיל בשוגג לומר או"א של תחנון ביום ש(מן הדין אומרים בו תחנון, אבל) מפני שבו ביום יש יאהרצייט של…
There are many customs with regards to the particular way a Kohen should spread his fingers during N’sias Kapayim, but first, it is important to outline what is Halachically…
Question: Is it permissible to watch a Rebbe video in the morning, while still in bed, after Modeh Ani and Negel Vasser? Would there be a difference between, for…
A. Yes, but you should not deviate from the accepted custom of the Shul and/or the local custom (local rabbi, etc.). Q. How should the wording be (from…
Question: A shul that is is on the 2nd floor of a house, but the only sink in the house is in the basement, a descent of more than…
When leaking waters only: If you are wearing a diaper (or the sort) and your clothes are clean, you may Daven and perform all mentioned Mitzvos. You should not…
Question: The non-Lubavitch shul I will be at on Yom Tov, has the Kohanim do the long chant before vyishmerecha, vichuneka, and Shalom. Do I say the Ribono Shel…
Question: If I want to begin shemoneh esrei when the tzibur is already holding in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei, it is impossible for me to take three steps…
The common custom is to say it with the eyes uncovered. Certainly , if due to kavanah it’s easier to say it with the eyes uncovered, one should indeed…
Question: If one didn't finish saying בריך שמיה and they closed the ארון already, can he finish it while the Torah is out, or is it only when the…
Tzeis Shabbos occurs at Tzeis Kochavim Ketanim, and the Shiur of Tosfos Shabbos is several minutes later (see Seder Hachnasas Shabbos. Cf. Alter Rebbe's Shulchon Aruch (OC 293:1) who…
Question: I learned Rambam late tonight and finished 3 minutes after dawn, without reciting Birchas Hatorah. Do I need to relearn what I said after dawn? Also, I realized…
Yes, if it is the same Berocho as the one you just finished. There is no difference in this case if it is a child, providing he is actually…
Question: Most minyonim daven very fast and I'm a slow davener. I'm familiar with the Rebbe's horaah that one needs only to begin with the minyan, and doesn't have to…
Lchatchilah, you should wait for the 10th person to come to shul and only then start the Amida. However if you didn't wait and the 10th person arrived after…
Question: If I daven Nusach Ari, and I am davening in a minyan for maariv that davens Nusach Sefard, do I say Amen to the additional Beracha between Hashkiveinu…
Practical Question: When I land in yeshiva in the PM hours from an overseas flight on a Monday or Thursday, is it necessary to ask 5 bochurim not to…
If there are women that are Tznius, it is permitted as long as they are not in your view (provided this isn’t an official shul). עיין חתם סופר בתשובותיו…