Question: As a parent and teacher, I sometimes get upset by my children or students behavior. I'm wondering what the Torah approach is to dealing with that anger in the…
Question: As a parent and teacher, I sometimes get upset by my children or students behavior. I'm wondering what the Torah approach is to dealing with that anger in the…
קנס לאשה שאמרה לבנה הקטן להדליק עבורה נש”ק לאחר השקיעה
שאלה: מעשה שהיה שבת שעברה. אשה התרחצה סמוך לשקיעה ולא הדליקה נרות. מיד אחרי שקיעת החמה ראתה שלא הדליקה נרות וביקשה מבנה הקטן בגיל שבע שידליק נרות. הילד הדליק…
האם מותר לקחת קנס כספי מבחור בישיבה?
שאלה: האם מותר למנהל או משגיח בישיבה לקחת קנס כספי מבחור שאינו מתנהג כדבעי בשביל שייטיב דרכו? באם מותר, האם צריך להחזיר הממון כשהבחור מסיים זמנו בהישיבה? ובאם אין…
Question: My son wants to go to college. He knows that I don't want him to. I don't think he is considering Jewish colleges, or a college online. He…
Q. Is there an Inyan in having the Areinfirenish the same day as the Upsherenish? A. No. Q. Does it make sense to have the Upsherenish after davening,…
Question: When rewarding good behavior, Is it at all oisgehalten to choose certain missions that are mandatory, meaning if they miss those mandatory ones, they will not get rewarded…
For example: To say the first couple lines of asher yatzar (repeating after the teacher word by word). Once they've mastered this, to add on another line etc. …
Question: From the 5 rules of שבא, children typically aren’t taught the rules relating to תנועה גדולה/קטנה. Nor are they taught the שבא rules of the רז"ה. a) Should…
If it has no water, yes. PS Some are lenient with children before the age of chinuch with gebrokts in general. Others are lenient to put the cream cheese…
It should be pronounced as "Hashem" without saying the actual name, because it’s not a Posuk. #13001
Question continued: Is there any source for what people say that a child should not begin to wear Tzitzis until they are toilet trained? Is there any source pro…
Yes, it is problematic, though of course it is permissible according to Halacha. In general the Rebbe spoke about the importance that children should only see Kosher animals and…
We're working on toilet training a 4 year old who's been a difficult customer. He is now wearing a wetness alarm that goes off if there is an accident. Not…
האם צריך למחות במי שלומד בליל הניטל? ומה אם זה ילד?
אף שמנהג זה יסודתו בהררי קודש ונתפשט בתפוצות ישראל, ולא רק אצל חסידים, ונהגו בו מדורי דורות, כידוע ומפורסם, ומילא מובן גם שיש לחנך הילדים לקיים המנהג - מעולם…
Question: I know the minhag of many is not to make kiddush between six and seven. This was what I remember my custom in my parents' home. My question…
From 3 years old the child should be taught the letters. Beforehand, as soon as the child is able to speak, he should be taught תורה צוה, שמע and…
I prefer kriah age children using a Tehillim with larger print and no Trop; however once parents purchase such a Tehillim for their child, likely he will continue using…
Maaser is intended to benefit the poor. Nonetheless, it is customary to use Maaser money for other non obligatory mitzvos. If this is an obligatory training course, Maaser may…
No, because the Bracha of Shehechiyanu for Tzitzis is for the clothing of it, not the Mitzva, and a Tzitzis is not (generally) considered an important garment in this…
There is no set minhag for the exact day for this. However it seems that the accepted practice is to do it close (but not before) the boys third…